pp1d01 existere, existentia
Meaning Have the status of being (as opposed to not being, non existent). Also called the formal or actual status of existing or being. From the viewpoint of eternity, sub specie aeternitate, all things are in God = natura-sense 2 = substance, hence all exist. That includes the things NOT existing actually. Actual existence is another viewpoint, the temporary viewpoint of duration, that is: the analysis involving the creation (coming into existence) and destruction (ceasing to exist) of things.
Subsets (kinds) infinite ^ finite existence
Mantras [what is] (res) quae ab alio determinatur ad existendum et operandum certa ac determinata ratione.
essentia involvit existentiam (Ethica's hub mantra for establishing the infiniteness of things, see appendix to this note page).
modus/res quatenus substantia ( = Deo = natura-sense 2) ad existendum et aliquid operandum determinati (determinata ratione) consideratur
ad existendum et operandum determinatur a talibus causis quae etiam ab aliis
determinatae sunt ad existendum et operandum certa ac determinata ratione et hae iterum ab aliis et sic in infinitum.
Related concepts esse, dari, realis, realitas perfectio. NB a different sense of esse: pp1d01 intelligo, est
Occurrence [geomap]
{1d01  causa sui}                                                                             ...  a rough start for the student: two highly technical and complicated strings expressing the same meaning  ...  introducing the linchpin mantra essentia involvit existentiam  ...
 ... that of which the essence involves existence, or that of which the nature is only conceivable as existent.  ... id cujus essentia involvit existentiam sive [mng-eqv] id cujus natura non potest concipi nisi existens.
{1p07 substanti existere}                                                            ...  "essentia involvit necessario existentiam " means the same as "naturam pertinet existere" ...
 ... its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence belongs to its nature.  ... ipsius essentia involvit necessario existentiam sive  [mng-eqv]  ad ejus naturam pertinet existere ...
1p08s2 modificationum non existentium                                 ...  prelude to {2p08} {2p08c} quoted below ...
 ... we may have true ideas of non-existent modifications [Lat: affectiones]; for, although they may have no actual existence apart from the conceiving intellect, yet their essence is so involved in something external to themselves that they may through it be conceived ...   ... modificationum non existentium veras ideas possumus habere quandoquidem quamvis non existant actu extra intellectum, earum tamen essentia ita in alio comprehenditur ut per idem concipi possint  ...
{1p24 Rerum essentia existentiam}                                              ...  here the only one satisfying the hub mantra essentia involvit existentia is God = natura-sense 2 = substance  ...
 ...  The essence of things produced by God does not involve existence  ...  ...  Rerum a Deo productarum essentia non involvit existentiam  ...
 ...  For that of which the nature (considered in itself) involves existence is self-caused, and exists by the sole necessity of its own nature.  ...  Id enim cujus natura (in se scilicet considerata) involvit existentiam, causa est sui et ex sola suae naturae necessitate existit.
{2a1.3 Modi cogitandi idea rei}                                                      ...  if an individual's mind loves, desires etc, that individual's mind has an idea rei but the reverse does not hold (necessarily)  ...
III. Modes of thinking, such as love, desire, or any other of the passions, do not take place, unless there be in the same individual an idea of the thing loved, desired, &c. But the idea can exist without the presence of any other mode of thinking. III. Modi cogitandi ut amor, cupiditas vel [excl non-exh] quicunque nomine affectus animi insigniuntur, non dantur nisi in eodem individuo detur idea rei amat, desiderat etc. At idea dari potest quamvis nullus alius detur cogitandi modus.
2p07s substantia cogitans et substantia extensa una           ...  this quote relates to {2p08c rerum non existentium ideae non existunt} which extends the notion of existence to the realm of ideas, saying: if an idea is about a non-existing thing then that idea itself does not exist  ...  the quote below expands on that: just as the existence of a circle in  the attribute of extension is caused by some other extended thing, the existence (in the sense of {2p08c}) of the idea of that circle in thought is caused by another idea  ...  and these two causations reveal the same since of their isomorphic ordo and connexio not the attributes are causa proxima, but substance itself, perceived by us through the two intermediary attributes mirroring the same substance  ...
 ... .God is the cause of an idea—for instance, of the idea of a circle,—in so far as he is a thinking thing; and of a circle, in so far as he is an extended thing, simply because the actual being of the idea of a circle can only be perceived as a proximate cause through another mode of thinking ... .  ... Deus sit causa ideae exempli gratia circuli quatenus tantum est res cogitans et circuli quatenus tantum est res extensa nisi quia esse formale ideae circuli non nisi per alium cogitandi modum tanquam causam proximam  ...
{2p08 rerum non existentium}                                                      ...  ideas about non-existing things (1)  ...
 ... The ideas of particular things, or of modes, that do not exist, must be comprehended in the infinite idea of God, in the same way as the formal essences of particular things or modes are contained in the attributes of God.  ...  ideae rerum singularium sive [mng-eqv] modorum non existentium ita debent comprehendi in Dei infinita idea ac rerum singularium sive [mng-eqv]  modorum essentiae formales in Dei attributis continentur.
{2p08c rerum non existentium ideae non existunt}             ...  extends the notion of existence to the realm of ideas  ...  ideas about non-existing things (2): themselves do not exist  ...
 ... so long as particular things do not exist, except in so far as they are comprehended in the attributes of God, their representations in thought or ideas do not exist, except in so far as the infinite idea of God exists; and when particular things are said to exist, not only in so far as they are involved in the attributes of God, but also in so far as they are said to continue, their ideas will also involve existence, through which they are said to continue.  ... quamdiu res singulares non existunt nisi quatenus in Dei attributis comprehenduntur, earum esse  objectivum sive[mng-eqv] ideae non existunt nisi quatenus infinita Dei idea existit et ubi res singulares dicuntur existere non tantum quatenus in Dei attributis comprehenduntur sed quatenus etiam durare dicuntur, earum ideae etiam existentiam per quam durare dicuntur, involvent.
{2p10 hominis substanti formam}                                                ...  man's being and the being of substance are different forms of being (duration versus absolute infinity and eternality)  ...
 ...  The being of substance does not appertain to the essence of man-in other words, substance does not constitute the actual being of man  ...  ...  Ad essentiam hominis non pertinet esse  substantiae sive [mng eqv]  substantia formam hominis non constituit  ...
 ...  The being of substance involves necessary existence  ...  If, therefore, the being of substance appertains to the essence of man, substance being granted, man would necessarily be granted also   ...  and, consequently, man would necessarily exist, which is absurd  ...  ...  Esse enim  substantiae involvit necessariam existentiam  ...  Si igitur ad hominis essentiam pertineret esse substantiae, data ergo substantia, daretur necessario homo  ...  et consequenter homo necessario existeret, quod  ...  est absurdum  ...
{2p17 existens vel ut sibi praesens}                                            ...  local identity of "existence" and "presence"  ...
 ... the human mind will regard the said external body as actually existing, or as present to itself ...   ... corpus externum ut actu existens vel [mng-eqv] ut sibi praesens contemplabitur ...
2p17s Videmus itaque non sunt veluti praesentia               ...  the adequate idea of Peter ceases to exist when Peter dies, but Paul's idea of Peter remains  ...
 ...  the difference between the idea, say, of Peter, which constitutes the essence of Peter's mind, and the idea of the said Peter, which is in another man, say, Paul. The former directly answers to the essence of Peter's own body, and only implies existence so long as Peter exists; the latter indicates rather the disposition of Paul's body than the nature of Peter, and, therefore, while this disposition of Paul's body lasts, Paul's mind will regard Peter as present to itself, even though he no longer exists  ...   ...  differentia inter ideam exempli gratia Petri quae essentiam mentis ipsius Petri constituit et inter ideam ipsius Petri quae in alio homine, puta in Paulo, est. Illa enim essentiam corporis ipsius Petri directe explicat nec existentiam involvit nisi quamdiu Petrus existit; haec autem magis constitutionem corporis Pauli quam Petri naturam indicat et ideo durante illa corporis Pauli constitutione mens Pauli quamvis Petrus non existat, ipsum tamen ut sibi praesentem contemplabitur  ...
N.B. 2p45s Hic per existentiam intelligo warns that {2p45} uses a local sense of existere (under which everything exists eternally in God = natura-sense 2 = substance)
 ... By existence I do not here understand ...   ... Hic per existentiam non intelligo ...

Equivalence claims involving existere, existentia
{1d01} [notes] 1. cause of itself  2. that of which the essence involves existence 3. that of which the nature cannot be understood except in state of existence 1. causa sui 2. [id cujus] essentia involvit existentiam 3. id cujus natura non potest concipi nisi existens.
{1d05} [notes] 1. mode 1. modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance 3. that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. 1. modum 2. substantiae affectiones 3. id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1d07} [notes] 1. free 2. that thing which exists solely by the necessity of its own nature, and of which the action is determined by itself alone. 1. libera 2. Ea res  quae ex sola suae naturae necessitate existit et a se sola ad agendum determinatur.
{1d07} [notes] 1. necessary 2. constrained, 3. that thing which is determined by something external to itself to a fixed and definite method of existence or action. 1. Necessaria 2. coacta 3. [ea res] quae ab alio determinatur ad existendum et operandum certa ac determinata ratione.
{1d08} [notes] 1. eternity 2. existence itself, in so far as it is conceived necessarily to follow solely from the definition of that which is eternal. 1. aeternitatem 2. ipsam existentiam quatenus ex sola rei aeternae definitione necessario sequi concipitur.
{1p02}  [About things] 1. exist in itself, and be conceived through itself 2. the conception of one does not imply the conception of the other. [De reis] 1. in se debet esse et per se debet concipi 2. conceptus unius conceptum alterius non involvit.
{1p07} 1. be its own cause 2. its essence necessarily involves existence 3. existence belongs to its nature. 1. est causa sui 2. ipsius essentia involvit necessario existentiam 3. ad ejus naturam pertinet existere.
{1p19} 1. God 2. substance, which necessarily exists 3. [that of which] existence appertains to its nature 4. [that of which existence] follows from its definition 5. [that which] is eternal 1. Deus 2. substantia quae necessario existit 3. cujus naturam pertinet existere 4. ex cujus definitione sequitur ipsum existere 5. est aeternus.
{1p21} 1. always exist and be infinite 2. are eternal and infinite 1. semper et infinita existere debuerunt 2. aeterna et infinita sunt.
{1p21} 1. having  ... existence 2. [having] duration [about modi] 1.  ... habere ... existentiam 2. [habere] durationem 
{1p24c} 1.  God is not only the cause of things coming into existence, but also of their continuing in existence 2. in scholastic phraseology, God is cause of the being of things (essendi rerum). 1. Deum non tantum esse causam ut res incipiant existere sed etiam ut in existendo perseverent 2. (ut termino scholastico utar) Deum esse causam essendi rerum.
{1p28} 1. Every individual thing 2. everything which is finite and has a conditioned existence [about res] 1. singulare 2. quae finita est et determinatam habet existentiam
{1p28} 1. Wherefore it must follow from 2. be conditioned for, existence and action by God or one of his attributes, in so far as the latter are modified by some modification [Lat: affectiones] which is finite, and has a conditioned existence. 1. sequi 2. ad existendum et operandum determinari a Deo vel  [excl exh] aliquo ejus attributo quatenus modificatum est modificatione quae finita est et determinatam habet existentiam.
{2d05} [notes] 1. Duration 2. the indefinite continuance of existing. 1. Duratio 2. indefinita existendi continuatio.
{2d07} [notes] 1. particular things 2. things which are finite and have a conditioned existence; but if several individual things concur in one action, so as to be all simultaneously the effect of one cause, I consider them all, so far, as one particular thing. 1. [res] singulares 2. [res] quae finitae sunt et determinatam habent existentiam. Quod si plura individua in una actione ita concurrant ut omnia simul unius effectus sint causa, eadem omnia eatenus ut unam rem singularem considero.
{2p17} [the human mind contemplates the external body as ... ] 1. actually existing 2. present to itself [mens humana corpus externum contemplabitur ut  ... ] 1. actu existens 2. sibi praesens
{2p17} 1. existing 2.  present 1. existentiam 2. praesentiam
{2p19} [About the human body] 1. in so far as he is regarded as affected by another idea of a particular thing actually existing 2. inasmuch as the human body stands in need of very many bodies  [De corpori humane] 1. quatenus alia rei singularis idea affectus consideratur 2. quatenus plurimis corporibus indiget
{2p45} 1. body 2. singular thing in the actual state of existing 1. corporis 2. rei singularis actu existentis
{3p05} [About things] 1. agree together 2. can co-exist in the same object [De rei] 1. inter se convenire 2. in eodem subjecto simul esse possent
{3p06} [About contrary things] 1. it can be destroyed 2. can take away its existence [De rei contrariarum] 1. possit destrui 2. ejus existentiam tollat
{3p27c3} [About res] 1. what removes its existence 2. what destroys it  [De rei] 1. id quod ejus rei existentiam tollit 2. quod rem destruit
{3p28} [Contemplating a thing as] 1. present 2. actually existing  [Contemplare res ut] 1. praesens 2. actu existens
{3de21} 1. Partiality 2. thinking too highly of anyone because of the love we bear him. 1.Existimatio 2. de aliquo prae amore plus justo sentire
{3de32} 1. Regret 2. the desire or appetite to possess something, kept alive by the remembrance of the said thing, and at the same time constrained by the remembrance of other things which exclude the existence of it. 1. Desiderium 2. cupiditas sive [non-excl non-exh] appetitus re aliqua potiundi quae ejusdem rei memoria fovetur et simul aliarum rerum memoria quae ejusdem rei appetend existentiam secludunt, coercetur. 
{3dg} 1. Emotion 2. passivity of the soul 2. a confused idea, whereby the mind affirms concerning its body, or any part thereof, a force for existence greater or less than before, and by the presence of which the mind is determined to think of one thing rather than another. 1. Affectus 2. animi pathema 3. confusa idea qua mens majorem vel [non-excl non-exh] minorem sui corporis vel alicujus ejus partis existendi vim quam antea affirmat et qua data ipsa mens ad hoc potius quam ad illud cogitandum determinatur.
{4d03} [notes] 1. contingent particular things 2. [particular things] which, while regarding their essence only, we find nothing therein, which necessarily asserts their existence or excludes it. 1. [Res singulares] contingentes 2. [Res singulares] quatenus dum ad earum solam essentiam attendimus, nihil invenimus quod earum existentiam necessario ponat vel [excl non-exh] quod ipsam necessario secludat. 
{5p30} 1. Conceive things  under the form of eternity 2.  conceive things in so far as they are conceived through the essence of God as real entities 3. [conceive things] in so far as they involve existence through the essence of God 1. Res sub specie aeternitatis concipere 2. res concipere quatenus per Dei essentiam ut entia realia concipiuntur 3. [res concipere] quatenus per Dei essentiam involvunt existentiam 

Appendix: expressions equivalent to Ethica's mantraessentia involvit existentiam,
Ethica's hub mantra for establishing the infiniteness of things
(the list is purged of occurrences similar to the ones shown)
{1d01} 1.  ...  cause of itself  ...
2.  ...  that of which the essence involves existence  ...
3.  ...  that of which the nature cannot be understood except in state of existence  ...
1.  ...  causa sui  ...
2.  ...  [id cujus] essentia involvit  ...  existentiam
3.  ...  id cujus natura non potest concipi nisi existens  ...
{1d07}  ...  exists  ...  by the necessity of its own nature  ...  ...  ex suae naturae necessitate existit  ...
{1d08}  ...  existence itself, in so far as it is conceived necessarily to follow solely from the definition of [the thing defined]  ...  ...  existentiam quatenus ex sola definitione necessario sequi concipitur  ...
{1a07}  ...  can [not] be conceived as non-existing  ...  ...  non existens [non] potest concipi  ...
{1p07} 1.  ...  Existence belongs to [its] nature  ...
2.  ...   its essence necessarily involves existence, or existence belongs to its nature  ...
1.  ...  Ad naturam  ... pertinet existere  ...
2.  ...  essentia involvit necessario existentiam sive  [mng eqv]  ad ejus naturam pertinet existere  ...
{1p08}  ...  infinite  ...  ...  infinita  ...
{1p14}   ...  necessarily exists  ...  ...  necessario existat  ...
{1p19} 1.  ...  necessarily exists  ...
2.  ...  existence appertains to its nature  ...
3.  ...  follows from its definition  ...
4.  ...  is eternal  ...
1.  ...  necessario existit  ...
2.  ... ad cujus naturam pertinet existere  ...
3.  ...  ex cujus definitione sequitur ipsum existere  ...
4.  ...  est aeternus  ...
{1p20}  ...  [his] existence and his essence are one and the same  ... existentia ejusque essentia unum et idem sunt  ...
{1p21}  ...  must always exist and be infinite, or, in other words, are eternal and infinite through the said attribute  ...  ...  semper et infinita existere debuerunt sive [mng eqv]qv]  per idem attributum aeterna et infinita sunt  ...
{1p21}  ...  follows from the necessity of the absolute nature of the said attribute  ...  ...  in aliquo Dei attributo ex necessitate absolutae naturae ipsius attributi sequatur  ...
{1p21}  ...  anything which necessarily follows from the absolute nature of some attribute of God  ...  ...  aliquid quod necessario ex absoluta natura alicujus attributi Dei sequitur  ...
{1p22}  ...  exist necessarily and as infinite  ...  ...  necessario et infinitum existere  ...
{1p24}  ...  For that of which the nature (considered in itself) involves existence is self-caused, and exists by the sole necessity of its own nature.  ...  Id  ...  cujus natura (in se scilicet considerata) involvit existentiam, causa est sui et ex sola suae naturae necessitate existit.
{1p35}  ...  necessarily exists  ...  ...  necessario est  ...
{2p03}  ...  there is necessarily   ...  ...  datur necessario  ...
pp1d01 existere, existentia