pp2a1.4 sentire

Meaning Sentire = [mng eqv] percipere, an operation of the mind (cogitatio-operatio)
Mantras [what is] (plus^minus) justo sentire
Related concepts All other types of cogitatio-operatio
Occurrence [geomap]
{2a1.4 affici sentimus}                                                                   ...first occurrence...Elwes renders: "perceive" (percipere)...the sensing things are "we"...
...We perceive that our body is affected in many ways. ...Nos corpus quoddam multis modis affici sentimus.
{2a1.5 sentimus corpora cogitandi modos}                           ... "sentimus nec percipimus" ...the sensing things are "we"...
..We feel and perceive no particular things, save bodies and modes of thought... ...Nullas res singulares praeter corpora et cogitandi  modos sentimus nec percipimus.
{2p13c ipsum sentimus existere}                                               ...humans can safely trust the perceptions of their own bodies...
... the human consists of mind and body and that the human body exists as we perceive it... ...hominem mente et corpore constare et corpus humanum prout ipsum sentimus existere.
3de29 abjectio 3de29 abjectio
{3de21 existimatio}                                                                         ...but justo sentire is not easy...this is the first plus justo-emotion, the other is: {3de28}, minus justo-emotions: {3de22}  {3de29}
...Partiality is thinking too highly of anyone because of the love we bear him. ...Existimatio est de aliquo prae amore plus justo sentire
5p23s Nec tamen fieri potest ut recordemur nos ante corpus exstitisse  ...sentire, concipere and intelligere in one string...the mind senses in both attributes, not only the body...
...the mind feels those things that it conceives by understanding, no less than those things that it remembers... ....mens ...res illas sentit quas intelligendo concipit quam quas in memoria habet... 

Equivalence claims involving sentire
{3de21} 1. Partiality 2. thinking too highly of anyone because of the love we bear him. 1.Existimatio 2. de aliquo prae amore plus justo sentire
{3de22} 1. Disparagement 2. thinking too meanly of anyone because we hate him. 1. Despectus 2. de aliquo prae odio minus justo sentire
{3de28} 1. Pride 2. thinking too highly of one's self from self-love. 1. Superbia 2. de se prae amore sui plus justo sentire
{3de29} 1. Self-abasement 2. thinking too meanly of one's self by reason of pain. 1. Abjectio 2. de se prae tristitia minus justo sentire