pp1d01 concipere, -eptus

Conceive, forming a conception of something. The adequate finding by a human mind that a conception involves some other one is called understanding (intelligere). Conceiving is cogitatio sense 2: operatio, an operation of the intellect, also said operation of the mind. Conceptus and idea are equivalent [mng eqv]: an idea  is formally defined {2d03} as a "mentis conceptum", in which expression "mentis" is pleonastic. However, concipere is also used when the mind forms inadequate ideas, not so intelligere, which leads by definition to adequate ideas.
Concipere adaequata, percipere adaequata, vere concipere are all equivalent [mng eqv] to intelligere.
inadaequata, percipere inadaequata are both equivalent [mng eqv] to imaginare, though an idea produced by imaginatio, inadequate by definiton, may be true (vera) by a stroke of luck.

Subsets (kinds) concipere adaequata/inadaequata
vere concipere
Mantras [what is] "potest, debet..etc. concipi", "nec esse nec concipi potest"
"per se concipere", sub aeternitatis specie concipere
Related concepts

All other types of cogitatio-operatio, including will and all emotions

Occurrence [geomap]
{1d01  causa sui}                                                                            ...two highly technical and complicated strings expressing the same meaning...
...that of which the essence involves existence, or that of which the nature is only conceivable as existent. ...id cujus essentia involvit existentiam sive [mng-eqv] id cujus natura non potest concipi nisi existens.
{1d05 modus}                                                                                   ...two highly technical and complicated strings expressing the same meaning...
...the modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance, or that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. ...substantiae affectiones sive  [mng-eqv] id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1a02 Id quod non per aliud, per se}                                      ...a methodological axiom concerning conception...
...That which cannot be conceived through anything else must be conceived through itself. ...Id quod per aliud non potest concipi, per se concipi debet
{1a05 commune intelligi}                                                           ...concipere in terms of intelligere: understanding A and B  by means of each other, "in other words" (sive  [mng-eqv]) the conceptions of A and B involve each other...
...Things which have nothing in common cannot be understood, the one by means of the other; the conception of one does not involve the conception of the other. ...quae nihil commune cum se invicem habent, etiam per se invicem intelligi non possunt sive  [mng-eqv] conceptus unius alterius conceptum non involvit.
{1a07 essentia existentia}                                                            ... conceivability as criterion for eternality ...
... If a thing can be conceived as non-existing, its essence does not involve existence.  ... Quicquid ut non existens potest concipi, ejus essentia non involvit existentiam.
{1p10 attributum concipi per se}                                             ... referring to {1d04}, percipere and concipere together in one string ... concipere per se not only for causa sui (= God = natura-sense 2 = substance) but also for attributes ...
...Each particular attribute of the one substance must be conceived through itself. ...Unumquodque unius  substantiae attributum per se concipi debet.
...An attribute is that which the intellect perceives of substance, as constituting its essence (Def. iv.), and, therefore, must be conceived through itself... ... Attributum enim est id quod intellectus de substantia percipit tanquam ejus essentiam constituens (per definitionem 4 {1d04}) adeoque ...per se concipi debet...
{1p12 substanti dividi}                                                                 ...truly (vere) not pleonastic: concipere can logically lead to a false, inadequate idea...
...can be [truly BH] conceived ... ... potest vere concipi...
{1p23 modus infinitus absoluta}                                             ...percipere and concipere together in one string...
...A mode exists in something else, through which it must be conceived ...that is ...solely through God can be conceived. If therefore a mode is conceived as necessarily existing and infinite, it must necessarily be inferred or perceived through some attribute of God... ...Modus enim in alio est per quod concipi debet (per definitionem 5) {1d05} hoc est ...per solum Deum concipi potest. Si ergo modus concipitur necessario existere et infinitus esse, utrumque hoc debet necessario concludi sive [excl non-exh]  percipi per aliquod Dei attributum...
{2d02 essentia}                                                                                 ... esse and concipi vital in defining what is essential ...
...I consider as belonging to the essence of a thing that, which being given, the thing is necessarily given also, and, which being removed, the thing is necessarily removed also; in other words, that without which the thing, and which itself without the thing, can neither be nor be conceived. ... Ad essentiam alicujus rei id pertinere dico quo dato res necessario ponitur et quo sublato res necessario tollitur; vel [mng-eqv] id sine quo res et vice versa id quod sine re nec esse nec concipi potest.
{2d03 idea}                                                                                       ...conceptum is idea...there seems ("videtur") a shade of nuance between concipere, conceptus and percipere, perceptio...(but note that later the mind is called passive when forming inadequate ideas)... recheck
....idea...mental conception.... ... ideam ...mentis conceptum .....
...I say conception rather than perception, because the word perception seems to imply that the mind is passive in respect to the object; whereas conception seems to express an activity of the mind. ... Dico potius conceptum quam perceptionem quia perceptionis nomen indicare videtur mentem ab objecto pati. At conceptus actionem mentis exprimere videtur.
2p10s2 essentia concipere II. Def. ii.                                          ... a thing A without which a thing B cannot be conceived may not be part of the essence of thing B...
... My intention here was only to give a reason for not saying, that that, without which a thing cannot be or be conceived, belongs to the essence of that thing: individual things cannot be or be conceived without God, yet God does not appertain to their essence. I said that "I considered as belonging to the essence of a thing that, which being given, the thing is necessarily given also, and which being removed, the thing is necessarily removed also; or that without which the thing, and which itself without the thing can neither be nor be conceived." (II. Def. ii.) ... Nam meum intentum hic tantum fuit causam reddere cur non dixerim id ad essentiam alicujus rei pertinere sine quo res nec esse nec concipi potest; nimirum quia res singulares non possunt sine Deo esse nec concipi  et tamen Deus ad earum essentiam non pertinet sed id necessario essentiam alicujus rei constituere dixi quo dato, res ponitur et quo sublato, res tollitur vel id sine quo res et vice versa id quod sine re nec esse nec concipi potest. (II. Def. ii.)
{2p38 omnibus communia non concipi nisi adaequate}    ...here both concipere and percipere are receiving the predicate adaequate, hence both thought operations can also possibly lead to inaedequate ideas...
...cannot be conceived except adequately. ...non possunt concipi nisi adaequate.
...the mind necessarily perceives adequately, and has this adequate perception, both in so far as it perceives itself, and in so far as it perceives its own or any external body, nor can A be conceived in any other manner... ...mens ...A necessario adaequate percipit idque tam quatenus se quam quatenus suum vel [excl exh] quodcunque externum corpus percipit nec A alio modo potest concipi...

Equivalence claims involving concipere, -eptus
{1d01} [notes] 1. cause of itself  2. that of which the essence involves existence 3. that of which the nature cannot be understood except in state of existence 1. causa sui 2. [id cujus] essentia involvit existentiam 3. id cujus natura non potest concipi nisi existens.
{1d03} [notes] 1. substance 2. that which is in itself and is conceived by itself  3. that of which a conception can be formed independently of any other conception. 1. substantiam 2. id quod in se est et per se concipitur 3. id cujus conceptus non indiget conceptu alterius rei a quo formari debeat.
{1d05} [notes] 1. mode 1. modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance 3. that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. 1. modum 2. substantiae affectiones 3. id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1d08} [notes] 1. eternity 2. existence itself, in so far as it is conceived necessarily to follow solely from the definition of that which is eternal. 1. aeternitatem 2. ipsam existentiam quatenus ex sola rei aeternae definitione necessario sequi concipitur.
{1a05} [About things] 1. which have nothing in common 2. [which] cannot be understood, the one by means of the other 3. the conception of one does not involve the conception of the other. [De reis] 1. Quae ihil commune cum se invicem habent 2. per se invicem intelligi non possunt 3. conceptus unius alterius conceptum non involvit.
{1p02}  [About things] 1. exist in itself, and be conceived through itself 2. the conception of one does not imply the conception of the other. [De reis] 1. in se debet esse et per se debet concipi 2. conceptus unius conceptum alterius non involvit.
{2d02} [notes] 1. the essence of a thing  2. that, which being given, the thing is necessarily given also, and, which being removed, the thing is necessarily removed 3. that without which the thing, and which itself without the thing, can neither be nor be conceived. 1. essentiam alicujus rei 2. quo dato res necessario ponitur et quo sublato res necessario tollitur 3. id sine quo res et vice versa id quod sine re nec esse nec concipi potest.
{2d03} [notes] 1. idea 2. the mental conception which is formed by the mind as a thinking thing. 1. ideam 2. mentis conceptum quem mens format propterea quod res est cogitans.
{2d07} [notes] 1. particular things 2. things which are finite and have a conditioned existence; but if several individual things concur in one action, so as to be all simultaneously the effect of one cause, I consider them all, so far, as one particular thing. 1. [res] singulares 2. [res] quae finitae sunt et determinatam habent existentiam. Quod si plura individua in una actione ita concurrant ut omnia simul unius effectus sint causa, eadem omnia eatenus ut unam rem singularem considero.
{2p49} 1. affirmation of a concept 2. idea 1. affirmatio conceptum 2. ideam
{3p30} [About humans] 1. be affected by pleasure, accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause 2. regard oneself with pleasure. [De hominum] 1. laetitia concomitante idea sui tanquam causa afficietur 2. se ipsum cum laetitia contemplabitur
{3p40} 1. affected by pain associated with the idea of the one we hate 2. hate someone 1. tristitia afficietur concomitante idea ejus qui ipsum odio habet 2. eundem odio habebit.
{3p55} 1. The essence of the mind only affirms that which the mind is, or can do 2.  it is the mind's nature to imagine only such things as assert its power of activity 1. Mentis essentia id tantum quod mens est et potest, affirmat 2. de natura mentis est ea tantummodo imaginari quae ipsius agendi potentiam ponunt
{3p56} 1. desire 2.  each man's essence or nature, in so far as it is conceived as determined to a particular action by any given modification [Lat: affectiones] of itself 1. cupiditas 2. ipsa uniuscujusque essentia seu [mng eqv] natura quatenus ex data quacunque ejus constitutione determinata concipitur ad aliquid agendum
{3de01} [notes] 1. Desire 2. the actual essence of man, in so far as it is conceived, as determined to a particular activity by some given modification [Lat: affectiones] of itself. 1.Cupiditas 2. ipsa hominis essentia quatenus ex data quacunque ejus affectione determinata concipitur ad aliquid agendum
{3de04} 1. Wonder 2. the conception (imaginatio) of anything, wherein the mind comes to a stand, because the particular concept in question has no connection with other concepts 1. Admiratio 2. rei alicujus imaginatio in qua mens defixa propterea manet quia haec singularis imaginatio nullam cum reliquis habet connexionem.
{3de05} 1. Contempt 2. the conception (imaginatio) of anything which touches the mind so little, that its presence leads the mind to imagine those qualities which are not in it rather than such as are in it 1. Contemptus 2. rei alicujus imaginatio quae mentem adeo parum tangit ut ipsa mens ex rei praesentia magis moveatur ad ea imaginandum quae in ipsa re non sunt quam quae in ipsa sunt. 
{3de18} 1. Pity 2. pain accompanied by the idea of evil, which has befallen someone else whom we imagine to be like ourselves 1. Commiseratio 2. tristitia concomitante idea mali quod alteri quem nobis similem esse imaginamur, evenit.
{4p62} 1. under the guidance of reason 2.under the form of eternity 3. [under the form of ] necessity [De conceptioni]
1. ducente ratione 2. sub aeternitatis specie 3. [sub] necessitatis specie
{5p23} 1. concept 2. idea 1. conceptus 2. idea 
{5p30} 1. Conceive things  under the form of eternity 2.  conceive things in so far as they are conceived through the essence of God as real entities 3. [conceive things] in so far as they involve existence through the essence of God 1. Res sub specie aeternitatis concipere 2. res concipere quatenus per Dei essentiam ut entia realia concipiuntur 3. [res concipere] quatenus per Dei essentiam involvunt existentiam 
pp1d01 concipere, conceptus