{2d06 perfectio}

Meaning Perfectness, realitas and esse are claimed to mean the same (see below) in comparative sense in which things and people can have more, equal or less of it. Perfectio serves crucially to define the emotions laetitia (pleasure) and tristitia (pain), of which many other defined emotions are in turn special kinds.
Related concepts pp1d03 esse, dari pp1d01 existere, existentia pp1p09 realis, realitas
Occurrence [geomap] Both realitas and perfectio preoccur. "Realitas" from {1p09}, "perfectio" first in the Aliter of {1p11}, first in the deductive system in {1p17c1}.outside the deductive structure densely in 1p11s, 1p33s2, 1apx and other non deductive strings of Part 1. After {2d06} the two-of-three redundant triple <realitas, esse, perfectio> stays completely in use, but "realitas" becomes a bit rare
{1p09 plus realitatis plura attributa}                                    ...first appearance of realitas in a comparative (more^less) sense ... means the same as esse ...
..The more reality or being a thing has... ...Quo plus realitatis aut [mng-eqv] esse unaquaeque res habet ...
{1p16 infinita infinitis modis sequi}                                           ... more real means more implications ...
... the intellect ... infers more properties in proportion as the definition of the thing expresses more reality, that is, in proportion as the essence of the thing defined involves more reality... ... intellectus concludit, quae ... sequuntur et eo plures quo plus realitatis rei definitio exprimit hoc est quo plus realitatis rei definitae essentia involvit ...
{1p17c1 extrinsece vel intrinsece}                                         ...entry of perfectio in deductive structure...
... the perfection of his own nature, ...God... ...Deum ...ipsius naturae perfectionem ...
1p33s2 perfectissima                                                                       ... everything is  perfect ...
... things have been brought into being by God in the highest perfection, inasmuch as they have necessarily followed from a most perfect nature ... ... res summa perfectione a Deo fuisse productas quandoquidem ex data perfectissima natura necessario secut sunt...
1apx                                                                                                          ... how to judge a thing's perfection ...
... the perfection of things is to be reckoned only from their own nature and power; things are not more or less perfect, according as they delight or offend human senses, or according as they are serviceable or repugnant to mankind. To those who ask why God did not so create all men, that they should be governed only by reason, I give no answer but this: because matter was not lacking to him for the creation of every degree of perfection from highest to lowest; or, more strictly, because the laws of his nature are so vast, as to suffice for the production of everything conceivable by an infinite intelligence ... ... Nam rerum perfectio ex sola earum natura et potentia est stimanda nec ideo res magis aut minus perfect sunt propterea quod hominum sensum delectant vel offendunt, quod humanae naturae conducunt vel quod eidem repugnant. Iis autem qui qurunt cur Deus omnes homines non ita creavit ut solo rationis ductu gubernarentur? nihil aliud respondeo quam quia ei non defuit materia ad omnia ex summo nimirum ad infimum perfectionis gradum creanda vel magis proprie loquendo quia ipsius naturae leges adeo ampl fuerunt ut sufficerent ad omnia quae ab aliquo infinito intellectu concipi possunt producenda ...
{2d06 perfectio}                                                                              ...not a geometrical definition: the connector idem lacks definiens/definiendum asymmetry, and neither terms are formally defined elsewhere in Ethica...here the term occurring second in Ethica (perfectio) is taken to be defined by the first occurring (realitas), redraft of the geomaps with the inverse definition does not vitally alter the deductive structure...the definition of virtus has the same defect...
...Reality and perfection I use as synonymous terms. ...Per realitatem et perfectionem idem intelligo.

Equivalence claims involving perfectio, realitas
{1p09} 1. reality 2. being 1. realitatis 2. esse
{2d06} [notes]
1. Reality 2. perfection 1. realitatem 2. perfectionem
{2p34} [About ideas in us] 1. absolute 2. adequate 3. perfect [De ideis in nobis] 1. absoluta 2. adaequata 3. perfecta
{3de02} 1. Pleasure 2. the transition of a man from a less to a greater perfection 1. Laetitia 2. hominis transitio a minore ad majorem perfectionem
{3de03} [notes] 1. Pain 2. the transition of a man from a greater to a less perfection. 1. Tristitia 2. hominis transitio a majore ad minorem perfectionem