pp1p30 objectus, objectivus
Meaning the object of an idea (= thought): what it is about
Mantras [what is] objectum idea (means the same as ideatum)
Related concepts pp2p05 forma, the object of an idea is also called res or ideatum (inventive Latin)
Occurrence [geomap]
{1p30 Intellectus comprehendere}
...A true idea must agree with its object ...in other words (obviously), that which is contained in the intellect in representation must necessarily be granted in nature... DEMONSTRATIO: Idea vera debet convenire cum suo ideato ...hoc est (ut per se notum) id quod in intellectu objective continetur, debet necessario in natura dari. ...
{2d04 idea (cognitia) adaequata}                                            ...the object of an idea: what the idea is about...
...By an adequate idea, I mean an idea which, in so far as it is considered in itself, without relation to the object, has all the properties or intrinsic marks of a true idea. ...Per ideam adaequatam intelligo ideam quae quatenus in se sine relatione ad objectum consideratur, omnes verae ideae proprietates sive [mng-eqv]  denominationes intrinsecas habet.
1p17s Deum causam liberam                                                      ...Elwes: formal [Lat: formalis^objective], van Suchtelen: werkelijk [real]^objectief...
...formal essence of things is as it is, because it exists by representation as such in the intellect of God. ..... ......formalis rerum essentia ideo talis est quia talis in Dei intellectu existit objective...

Equivalence claims involving objectus, objectivus
{2d04} [notes] 1. adequate idea 2. an idea which, in so far as it is considered in itself, without relation to the object, has all the properties or intrinsic marks of a true idea. 1. [ideam] adaequatam 2. [ideam] quae quatenus in se sine relatione ad objectum consideratur, omnes verae ideae proprietates sive [mng eqv]  denominationes intrinsecas habet.
{2p05} 1. the objects of ideas [Dutch: het gedachte, German: das Gedachte] 2. perceived things 1. ideata 2. res perceptas
{2p08c} [About things] 1. their objective being 2. [their] ideas [De reis] 1. earum esse objectivum 2. [earum] ideae
{2p12} [About all that comes to pass in the object of the idea, which constitutes the human mind] 1. [it] must be perceived by the human mind 2. there will necessarily be an idea [of it] in the human mind. [De quicquid in objecto ideae humanam mentem constituentis contingit] 1. id ab humana mente debet percipi 2. ejus rei dabitur in mente necessario idea
{2p12} 1. Whatsoever comes to pass in the object of the idea, which constitutes the human mind, must be perceived by the human mind, or there will necessarily be an idea in the human mind of the said occurrence. 2. if the object of the idea constituting the human mind be a body, nothing can take place in that body without being perceived by the mind. 1. uicquid in objecto ideae humanam mentem constituentis contingit, id ab humana mente debet percipi sive [mng eqv]  ejus rei dabitur in mente necessario idea 2. si objectum ideae humanam mentem constituentis sit corpus, nihil in eo corpore poterit contingere quod a mente non percipiatur.
pp1p30 objectus, objectivus