pp2p17 contemplare, contemplatio

Thinking about. Equivalent to cogitare-operatio except for not needing the latin prefix de (about). Tends to be used to denote the operation of mind and reason when the attention is on the contemplating mind and reason. When the attention is more on the thing regarded (thought about), other expressions tend to be used such as considerare and percipere ( for example: "in se considerata", "absolute considerata" "sub specie aeternitatis percipere").

Mantras [what is] praesentes^absentes contemplamur (analysing emotions)
Related concepts All other types of cogitatio-operatio, including will and all emotions
First Occurrence [geomap]
{2p17c quamvis non existant nec praesentia}                    ...contemplare as "thinking about"...
...The mind is able to regard as present external bodies, by which the human body has once been affected, even though they be no longer in existence or present. ...Mens corpora externa a quibus corpus humanum semel affectum fuit, quamvis non existant nec praesentia sint, contemplari tamen poterit velut [mng-eqv] praesentia essent.
{2p26c corpus imaginatur cognitionem non habet}         ...imagination, an operation of the mind, is a kind of contemplation...
...When the human mind regards external bodies through the ideas of the modifications [Lat: affectiones] of its own body, we say that it imagines... ...Cum mens humana per ideas affectionum sui corporis corpora externa contemplatur, eandem tum imaginari dicimus...
{2p44 natura rationis necessarias}                                           ...but reason contemplates too...
...It is not in the nature of reason to regard things as contingent, but as necessary. ... De natura rationis non est res ut contingentes sed ut necessarias contemplari.

Equivalence claims involving contemplare, -atio
{2p17} [the human mind contemplates the external body as...] 1. actually existing 2. present to itself [mens humana corpus externum contemplabitur ut ...] 1. actu existens 2. sibi praesens
{3p28} [Contemplating a thing as] 1. present 2. actually existing  [Contemplare res ut] 1. praesens 2. actu existens
{3p30} [About humans] 1. be affected by pleasure, accompanied by the idea of oneself as cause 2. regard oneself with pleasure. [De hominum] 1. laetitia concomitante idea sui tanquam causa afficietur 2. se ipsum cum laetitia contemplabitur
{3p34} 1. we regard ourselves with pleasure 2. we feel honoured 1. laetitia nosmet contemplabimur 2. gloriabimur.
{3de25} 1. Self-approval 2. pleasure arising from a man's contemplation of himself and his own power of action. 1.Acquiescentia in se ipso 2. laetitia orta ex eo quod homo se ipsum suamque agendi potentiam contemplatur
{3de26} 1. Humility 2. pain arising from a man's contemplation of his own weakness of body or mind. 1. Humilitas 2. tristitia orta ex eo quod homo suam impotentiam sive [mng eqv] imbecillitatem contemplatur
{4p53} [About emotions] 1. [orginating] from true contemplation 2. originating [from] reason  [De affectibus] 1. ex vera contemplatione [oritur] 2. [ex] ratione oritur 
pp2p17 contemplare, contemplatio