{1d05 modus}

Forms modus, modificatio
Meaning All things (res, modi) are in spaces called attributes. We perceive two types of modi: modi of the attribute of extension (with mass, length, position, speed, etc.) and modi of the attribute of thought (ideas, knowledge). The human being however, by being a unity (unita) of one modus called a mind and another modus called human body, is part of both attributes and thus liable to (cartesian) impacts ("hits" literally) from other modi in both attributes.
Subsets (kinds) modi in the attribute of extension are called modus extensionis, corpus, res extensares (sense 2 of res: res-corpus)
in the attribute of thought are called modus cogitandi, idea, idea rei (rei in sense 2 of res: res-corpus), cognitio, cogitatio [res] , rem cogitantem in {1p14c2}, puzzling is that the obvious res cogitandi does not occur [more under "res"]
Related concepts res
Occurrence [geomap]
NOT linked: Modus is not linked from where it is used non technically (there usually translated into "manner", "way") as like in "eodem modo", "determinata sunt ad certo modo existendum". "certo et determinato modo" etc.. This non technical use occurs with high density even adjacent to the technical use. The strings "infinita infinitis modis sequuntur" "infinitis/variis/multis/aliis/plurimis modis" are mantras with "modus" used in this non-technical sense.
{1d05 modus}                                                                                     ... definition slightly too weak for no doubt should exclude attributes but the string id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur doesn't ...
.. By mode, I mean the modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance, or that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. .. Per modum intelligo  substantiae affectiones sive  [mng eqv] id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1p22 modificatione infinitum}                                                 ... modi often are finite, that is: get created, and after some time get destroyed. But they can be infinite as well and then exist necessarily and eternally ...
...Whatsoever follows from any attribute of God, in so far as it is modified into a modification which exists necessarily and as infinite through the said attribute, must also exist necessarily and as infinite. ...Quicquid ex aliquo Dei attributo quatenus modificatum est tali modificatione quae et necessario et infinita per idem existit, sequitur, debet quoque et necessario et infinitum existere.
1p08s2 modificationes et substantias
...distinction between the modifications of substances and the substances themselves...
by substance, would be understood that which is in itself, and is conceived through itself—that is, something of which the conception requires not the conception of anything else; whereas modifications  exist in something external to themselves, and a conception of them is formed by means of a conception of the thing in which they exist. Therefore, we may have true ideas of non—existent modifications; for, although they may have no actual existence apart from the conceiving intellect, yet their essence is so involved in something external to themselves that they may through it be conceived. Whereas the only truth substances can have, external to the intellect, must consist in their existence, because they are conceived through themselves. ...
...distinguunt inter modificationes substantiarum et ipsas substantias ....
per substantiam intelligerent id quod in se est et per se concipitur hoc est id cujus cognitio non indiget cognitione alterius rei. Per modificationes autem id quod in alio est et quarum conceptus a conceptu rei in qua sunt, formatur : quocirca modificationum non existentium veras ideas possumus habere quandoquidem quamvis non existant actu extra intellectum, earum tamen essentia ita in alio comprehenditur ut per idem concipi possint.
Verum substantiarum veritas extra intellectum non est nisi in se ipsis quia per se concipiuntur.

Equivalence claims involving modus
{1d05} [notes] 1. mode 1. modifications [Lat: affectiones] of substance 3. that which exists in, and is conceived through, something other than itself. 1. modum 2. substantiae affectiones 3. id quod in alio est, per quod etiam concipitur.
{1p21} 1. having ...existence 2. [having] duration [about modi] 1. ...habere...existentiam 2. [habere] durationem 
{1p25c} 1. Individual things 2. modifications [Lat: affectiones] of the attributes of God 3. modes by which the attributes of God are expressed in a fixed and definite manner. 1. Res particulares 2. Dei attributorum affectiones 3. modi quibus Dei attributa certo et determinato modo exprimuntur.
{1p28} 1. Wherefore it must follow from 2. be conditioned for, existence and action by God or one of his attributes, in so far as the latter are modified by some modification which is finite, and has a conditioned existence. 1. sequi 2. ad existendum et operandum determinari a Deo vel  [excl exh] aliquo ejus attributo quatenus modificatum est modificatione quae finita est et determinatam habet existentiam.
{1p28} 1. cause 2. mode 1. causa 2. modus
{2d01} [notes] 1. body 2. a mode which expresses in a certain determinate manner the essence of God, in so far as he is considered as an extended thing. 1. corpus 2. modum qui Dei essentiam quatenus ut res extensa consideratur, certo et determinato modo exprimit
{2p01} 1. Particular thoughts 2. this and that thought 3. modes which, in a certain conditioned manner, express the nature of God 1. Singulares cogitationes 2. haec et illa cogitatio 2. modi qui Dei naturam certo et determinato modo exprimunt
{2p08} 1. Singular things 2. modi 1. rerum singularium 2. modorum