pp1a06 convenire

{1a06} "A true idea must correspond (convenire) with its ideate or object"
{2L02} "All bodies agree (conveniunt) in certain respects"
{2p23}-proof: "....ideas of the modifications [Lat: affectiones], whereby the body is affected, involve the nature of the human body itself ...that is ...they agree (conveniunt) with the nature of the mind", same use in {2p29}, after which "nostra natura convenit" assumes mantra status
{3p05} "contrari" used as complement of "convenire"
{4p35} people "agree" ("convenire") with each other.
{4p51} approval ("favor") and reason ("ratio") (can) agree (convenire).
{4p59} pleasure, in so far as it is good, is in harmony (convenit) with reason


Equivalence claims involving convenire
{2p29} [About the ideas of affections of the human body] 1. do not involve an adequate knowledge of the said body 2. does not adequately express its nature 3. they do not adequately agree with the nature of the mind 4. the ideas of such ideas do not adequately express the nature of the human mind 5. [the ideas of such ideas] do not involve an adequate knowledge thereof. [De ideis affectionis corporis humani] 1. adaequatam ipsius corporis cognitionem non involvit 2. ejus naturam adaequate non exprimit 3. cum natura mentis non convenit adaequate 4. hujus ideae ideam adaequate humanae mentis naturam non exprimit 5. adaequatam ejus cognitionem non involvit.
{3p05} [About things] 1. agree together 2. can co-exist in the same object [De rei] 1. inter se convenire 2. in eodem subjecto simul esse possent
pp1a06 convenire