pp3p06 conatus

Forms Perfect passive participle of "conor" (try, attempt)
Meaning endeavour
Subsets (kinds) summus conatus
Mantras [what is] in suo esse perseverare conatur
Related concepts potentia, essentia, appetitus
Occurrence [geomap] Dense after {3p06}
{3p06 Unaquaeque in suo perseverare conatur}                 ...every thing...
... Everything, in so far as it is in itself, endeavours to persist in its own being. ... Unaquaeque res quantum in se est, in suo esse perseverare conatur
{3p07 Conatus essentiam}                                                            ...conatus = essentia...
... The endeavour, wherewith everything endeavours to persist in its own being, is nothing else but the actual essence of the thing in question. ... Conatus quo unaquque res in suo esse perseverare conatur, nihil est praeter [prf eqv] ipsius rei actualem essentiam
{3p09 conatus est conscia}                                                            ...the mind consciously endeavours...
... The mind, both in so far as it has clear and distinct ideas, and also in so far as it has confused ideas, endeavours to persist in its being for an indefinite period, and of this endeavour it is conscious. ... Mens tam quatenus claras et distinctas quam quatenus confusas habet ideas, conatur in suo esse perseverare indefinita quadam duratione et hujus sui conatus est conscia
3p09s conatus voluntas appetitus essentia cupiditas
...endeavour, when referred solely to the mind, is called will, when referred to the mind and body in conjunction it is called appetite ... Desire is appetite with consciousness thereof....in no case do we strive for, wish for, long for, or desire anything, because we deem it to be good, but on the contrary we deem a thing to be good, because we strive for it, wish for it, long for it, or desire it ...
...conatus cum ad mentem solam refertur, voluntas appellatur sed cum ad mentem et corpus simul refertur, vocatur appetitus ... cupiditas est appetitus cum ejusdem conscientia ... nihil nos conari, velle, appetere neque cupere quia id bonum esse judicamus sed contra nos propterea aliquid bonum esse judicare quia id conamur, volumus ...
{5p25 Summus est tertio cognitionis genere}                      ...summus conatus...
... The highest endeavour of the mind, and the highest virtue is to understand things by the third kind of knowledge. ... Summus mentis conatus summaque virtus est res intelligere tertio cognitionis genere.
......as we understand things more in this way, we better understand God ... the highest virtue of the mind, that is ... the power, or nature, or ... highest endeavour of the mind, is to understand things by the third kind of knowledge ... ... res intelligimus eo magis ... Deum intelligimus ac proinde ... summa mentis virtus hoc est [mng eqv] ... mentis potentia seu [mng eqv]  natura sive [prf eqv] ... summus conatus est [mng eqv] res intelligere tertio cognitionis genere ...

Equivalence claims involving conatus
{3p07} 1. power 2. endeavour 1. potentia 2. conatus
{3p07} [About res] 1. wherefore the power of any given thing 2. the endeavour whereby, either alone or with other things, it acts, or endeavours to act 3. the power or endeavour, wherewith it endeavours to persist in its own being, 4. the given or actual essence of the thing in question. [De rei] 1.quare cujuscunque rei potentia 2. conatus quo ipsa vel [excl exh]  sola vel [excl exh] cum aliis quidquam agit vel [non-excl non-exh] agere conatur 3. potentia sive [mng eqv]  conatus quo in suo esse perseverare conatur 4. ipsius rei datam sive [mng eqv]  actualem essentiam.
{3p28} [About the mind] 1. endeavour 2. power of thinking [De menti] 1. conatus 2. potentia in cogitando
{3p28} [About the human body] 1. endeavour 2. power to act [De corpori humani] 1. conatu 2. potentia in agendo
{3p28} 1. we endeavour 2. we desire and strive 1. conamur 2. appetimus et intendimus
{3p54} 1. endeavour 2. power 1. conatus 2. potentia
{3p55} [About the mind] 1. it is checked in its endeavour 2. it feels pain [De menti] 1. ejus conatus coercetur 2. quod ipsa contristatur