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Page title: Drafts
hamminga B. (1990) Scholium voor braadkuikens, in gedachten geschreven door Benedictus de Spinoza
hamminga B. (1994) "Moscows Moral Atmosphere To-Day" Lecture for UCME Conference, Tilburg, Tilburg University, November 25, 1994
hamminga, B. (1996) The Economic Concept of Wage Labour and the End of Work" Paper presented at the Conference New Strategies for Everyday Life, Tilburg: Tilburg University, December 12-14,1996
hamminga, B. (1996) Can Economics Mean Something to the Semantic Programme?" Paper presented at the conference Van Fraassen and the Semantic Programme, Nijmegen, Tilburg University, November 14-15, 1996 volgens afspraak te publiceren door Herman de Regt.
hamminga, B. (1996) "Enige persoonlijke conclusies uit de discussie", Conferentie Russische Filosofie, Universiteit van Amsterdam, 4-5 November 1996
hamminga, B. (1997) "The Philosophy of Dutch Traders in the Beginnings Of Intercontinental Sea Trade" lecture Philosophy Centre Jinja, nov 20, 1997
hamminga, B. (version 97/045/18) Economic Theory Structure and Theory Development
hamminga, B. (version 97/06/01) Why Understanding
Adam Smith Was Not So Easy For All His Contemporaries
hamminga, B. (version 97/12/15) Economics
under Vanishing Demand for Human Labour
hamminga, B. (version 97/11/3) Transition and
Economic Mentality: The Moscow Case
hamminga B. (version 97/12/15) "De prijs van het recht op arbeid"
hamminga B. (version 97/05/19) "Economische Methodologie: poging tot een wetenschapssociologische duiding"
hamminga, B. (version 93/01/01) "Keynes and User Cost"
hamminga, B. (version 97/05/19) "Exact Measurement and Limited Meaning of Lakatosian Excess Content of Comparative Static Theories in Economics"
hamminga B. (version 97/05/19) "Weintraub on Methodological Folklore"
hamminga, B. (1998) "Lessen van Afrika: Wij overdrijven"