Economics under Vanishing Demand for Human Labour, Contents Window

Economics under Vanishing Demand for Labour

Vanishing Demand for Labour Framed in Traditional Neoclassical Economics
A Utopian Thought Experiment
Problems of Ethico-CulturalUnderstanding of the Thought Experiment
Social Security and Minimum Subsistence
Who "Suffers", Who is "Good"
Who is a "Liberal"
Why Full Time Leisure at Society's Cost is Anything But Parasitism
What is a "Just Society"?
Applying the Traditional Theory of Labour Supply
The General Theory of Optimal Distribution of Labour and Income under Vanishing Employment (ODLIVE):
Voluntary Unemployment and the Concept of a Critical Wage/Transfer Income Ratio
The Supply-of-Labour Function
Institutional Arrangements Inducing the Attainment of the Optimal Equilibrium State
Displacement of Equilibrium
Standard deviation and supply elasticity of labour
Summary of ODLIVE.
Practical Issues