19th Century: On PHiLES    On Paper    Subject definition

19th Century:  On Paper 

Diederich, W. (1982) , "Structure of Marx's Theory##", in: Stegmueller, W., W. Balzer and W. Spohn (ed) Philosophy of Economics, Studies in Contemporary Economics Vol. 2, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer ##-##

Garcia de la Sienra, A.(1982) , "The Basic Core of the Marxian Economic Theory", in: Stegmueller, W., W. Balzer and W. Spohn (ed) Philosophy of Economics, Studies in Contemporary Economics Vol. 2, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer 118-44

hamminga B. (1989) , "Sneed versus Nowak: An Illustration in Economics", Erkenntnis, Vol 30, nr. 1-2, Kluwer Academic Publishers 247-65.

hamminga B. (1990) , "The Structure of Six Transformations in Marx's Capital", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol 16 89-111.

hamminga B. (1992) , "Idealization in the Practice and Methodology of Classical Economics: the Logical Struggle with Lemma's and Undesired Theorems", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. 25 103-14.