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Crtd 05-09-25 Lastedit 14-08-20

The Kiswahili Unzippers

Below is a list of words from the -fung- stem, all associated with closing and opening, which may give a clue to what is a Kiswahili word group unzipper. In Kiswahili such an unzipper creates word groups from all kinds of verb and noun stems. The extensions to the verbstem for "close" concern:


passive, active, acting, finalized, fierceness, subtleness etc. references to closing


different things you can close litterally and metaforically,


the opposite (converse) of closing: the opening-family of meanings


combinations of the above


and much more

The list below results from using only one unzipper, the verb unzipper. There is also a noun unzipper. Then there are unzippers that make many nouns of a verb, that make many verbs of a noun, and their resulting verbs and nouns can be further unzipped by the verb and the noun zipper respectively. Of course this is not mathematically strict, but once you get the rough idea of those four unzipping procedures you can go along with everybody, and one word stem not seldomly gives you over a hundred different meanings to express in Kiswahili.

be impenetrable (verb), -fungamana.
imprison (verb), -funga.
be jailed (verb), -fungwa (passive).
jail (verb), -funga.
be locked (verb), -fungwa (passive).
lock (verb), -funga.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikaha.
perform the wedding ceremony (verb), -fungisha nikahi.
solemnize a marriage (verb), -fungisha mikaha.
be open (verb), -funguka.
be opened (verb), -fungasa.
be opened (verb), -funguliwa.
open (verb), -fungua (converse). He didn't want to <b>open</b> the door because he felt cold.. Hakutaka ku<b>fungua</b> mlango kwa sababu alisikia baridi..
pack (verb), -funganya.
pack (verb), -fungasha.
make preparations (verb), -funga.
make a promise (verb), -funga ahadi.
secure (verb), -funga.
shut (verb), -funga.
be obliged to stay at home (verb), -fungika (potential).
tie (verb), -funga.
tie together (verb), -fungasha.
take someone in tow (verb), -fungasha.
tuck up one's sleeves (verb), -funga kidemu.
turn off (verb), -funga.
come undone (verb), -funguka.
unfasten (verb), -fungua (converse).
untie (verb), -fungua (converse).
cause to wake up (verb), -amsha. eat breakfast. ~ (usually '-fungua) kinywa.
give birth (verb), -fungasa.
apply the brakes (verb), -funga breki.
breakfast (on) (verb), -fungua kinywa (kwa).
be closed (verb), -fungwa (passive).
close (verb), -funga.
close (in the sense of becoming a mass) (verb), -fungana.
conclude (verb), -funga.
be confined (verb), -fungika (potential).
decide on (verb), -funga.
put in difficulties (verb), -funga.
enclose (verb), -fungashia.
fast (verb), -funga.
be fastened (verb), -fungwa (passive).
fasten (verb), -funga.
free oneself (verb), -fungasa.

Interesting is also the verb group unzipped from the stem fund: (funda means "to learn")

 be educated (verb), -fundishwa (causative). Long ago I did not understand politics, but I was <b>educated</b>, and now I understand it completely.. Zamani sikufahamu siasa, lakini nili<b>fundishwa</b>, na sasa ninaifahamu kabisa..
be taught (verb), -fundishwa.
educate (verb), -fundisha.
instruct (verb), -fundisha.
learn (verb), -funda.
learn (verb), -jifundisha.
learn on one's own (verb), -jifundisha.
study (verb), -jifundisha.
teach (verb), -fundisha. The teacher taught the students Arabic, but did not teach them Kiswahili.. Mwalimu aliwa fundisha wanafunzi kiarabu, lakini hakuwa fundisha kiswahili..
teach oneself (verb), -jifundisha.
teach oneself (verb), -jifundisha.
technical (verb), -kifundi.

"Learning", (ku)funda, is turned into "teaching" thus: (ku)fundisha. Then, to make "being taught", that is, to make it passive again, they make (ku)fundishwa.  In the same vain, "learning" can be expressed as (ku)funda and (ku)jifundisha, literally: to teach oneself. It would also be the same and (ku)jifundishwa, "being taught by yourself", I did not encounter this expression yet, but I am surely gonna try it out !