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Page title: The Friedman Controversy, Early Literature

Archibald G.C. (1959), The State of Economic Science, The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 1959.

Archibald G.C. (1961), Chamberlin versus Chicago, Review of Economic Studies, Vol XXIX no. 1 October 1961.

Archibald C.C. (1962), Discussion "Problems of Methodology" AEA meeting Dec. 1962, American Economic Review 1963.

Barr E. (1971), A Syntactic and Semantical Analysis of Idealizations in Science, Philosophy of Science 1971.

Bear D.V.T. and Orr D. (1967), Logic and Expediency in Economic Theorizing, Journal of Political Economy 75 (April 1967).

Brunner K. (1969), Assumptions and the Cognitive Quality of Theories, Synthese 1969.

Coddington A. (1972), Positive Economics, Canadian Journal of Economics 1972.

De Alessi L. (1971), Reversals of Assumptions and Implications, Journal of Political Economy 1971.

Garb, G. (1965), "Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism: Comment" American Economic Review. 1965

Leontief, W. (1971), "Theoretical Assumptions and Nonobserved Facts", American Economic Review LXI, 1971.

Lerner Abba P. (1965), "Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism: Comment" American Economic Review, 1965.

Machlup, F. (1964), "Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism: Comment" American Economic Review, 1964.

Massey, G.J. (1965), "Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism: Comment" American Economic Review, 1965.

Melitz, J. (1965), " Friedman and Machlup on the Significance of Testing Economic Assumptions" Journal of Political Economy LXII (Febr. 1965).

Nagel, E. (1963), "Assumptions in Economic Theory" papers and proceeding 75th annual meeting AEA, American Economic Review 1963.

Rotwein, E. (1959), On "The Methodology of Positive Economics" Quarterly Journal of Economics 1959.

Samuelson, P.A. (1962), "Discussion "Problems of Methodology" AEA, meeting dec. 1962, American Economic Review, 1963.

Samuelson, P.A. (1964), "Theorie and Realism: a reply " American Economic Review 1964.

Samuelson, P.A. (1965), " Professor Samuelson on Theory and Realism: Reply" American Economic Review 1965.

Wong, S. (1973), "The ‘F-Twist’ and the Methodology of Paul Samuelson", American Economic Review, Vol. 63. June 1973, p. 312-315.