Hamminga All Publications

Bert hamminga hamminga All Publications

hamminga B. (1982)  "Neoclassical Theory Structure and Theory Development", in: Stegmueller, W., W. Balzer and W. Spohn (ed) Philosophy of Economics, Studies in Contemporary Economics Vol. 2, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer 1-15.

hamminga B. (1983)  "Opstaan voor iemand misstaat niemand", Maandschrift Economie 47, no. 9, pp. 395-405.

hamminga, B. and Janssen R., (1983)  "De economische modellen van het CPB 'een empirisch onderzoek naar de methode", in: Abspoel, F. en van Eijck, J. (uitg.) Filosofiedag Groningen, Groningen, pp. 88-95.

hamminga B. (1983)  Neoclassical Theory Structure and Theory Development, Studies in Contemporary Economics, Vol. 4, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, Tokyo: Springer Verlag

hamminga B. (1983)  "The intuitive goal of the economist's endeavours", 7th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Abstracts of Section 11, Salzburg.

hamminga B. (1984) "Hebben we de crisis al achter de rug?", Tilburgs Hogeschoolblad, 30-mar-'84.

hamminga B. (1984) "Lezen en Schrijven", Tilburgs Hogeschoolblad, 28-sep-'84.

hamminga B. (1984) "Vijf jaar voorwaardelijk", Tilburgs Hogeschoolblad,26-nov-'84.

hamminga B. (1984) "De Hoogleraar en de Macht", Tilburgs Hogeschoolblad,23-nov-'84.

hamminga, B. and Janssen R., (1984)  "The Methodology of Economic Forecasting", paper International Conference on Systems Research, Informatics and Cybernetics, Baden Baden, 1984, 7 pag.

hamminga B. (1984) "UD or UHD, that is the question", Tilburgs Hogeschoolblad,31-aug-'84.

hamminga B. (1984)  "Possible Approaches to Reduction in Economic Theory", in: W. Balzer, et al. (ed) Reduction in Science, Dordrecht, pp. 295-317.

hamminga B. (1985)  "Reactie" (op Hoeven, van der, E. (1985) "Een beurs voor de verdeling van arbeidsplaatsen: commentaar" Filosofie en Praktijk 6/4, 211-3

hamminga B. (1986)  "De leerzame geschiedenis van het bedenken van kapitaal-jaargangenmodellen", in: W. Driehuis en R.A. de Klerk (red) Economie als spel, Leiden, Stenfert Kroese, 1986, ISBN 90-207-1513-5. pp. 93-112.

hamminga, B. and Balzer, W., (1986)  "The Basic Structure of General Equilibrium Theory", Erkenntn is, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 31-46.

hamminga B. (1986)  "De betekenis van de Wealth of Nations voor de Economie", in: Berns, E.E. (ed) Adam Smith, Ethiek, Politiek, Economie , Tilburg, 1986, ISBN 90-361-9631-0, p. 204-238

hamminga B. (1987)  "Boekbespreking 'Economie en methodologie, een inleiding' (T.J. Kastelein, Groningen, 1987) Maandschrift Economie 51/6 488/90

hamminga B. (1987)  "Labour as a utility", in: Rabinovich,V.L. (ed) Abstracts LMPS '87, Vol 2, Institute of Philosophy of the academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, pp. 498-500.

hamminga B. (1987)  "Theory development: Mathematical Physics versus Mathematical Economics", in: Logic, Philosophy of Science and Epistemology, Proceedings of the 11th International Wittgenstein Symposium, Wenen, Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 271-3

hamminga B. (1987) "Boekbespreking: 'Filosofie van de Eonomische Wetenschappen' (J.J. Klant, Leiden, 1987) ", in: Filosofie en Praktijk, jrg. 8, 1987 221-2.

hamminga B. (1988)  "Arbeid en moraal in de spiegel van een utopie", in: Aftellen tot 2000, W. Goddijn, J. Goedegebuure, K. Soudijn, H. Verdaasdonk, Tilburg, TUP 4-25.

hamminga B. (1988) "Economie en Voorspellen", in: Economie en Voorspellen, Tilburg: Studium Generale

hamminga B. (1988) "Caldwell on The Case for Pluralism: Discussion", in: de Marchi, N.B., The Popperian Legacy in Economics, Cambridge University Press 53-4.

hamminga B. (1989)  "Sneed versus Nowak: An Illustration in Economics", Erkenntnis, Vol 30, nr. 1-2, Kluwer Academic Publishers 247-65.

hamminga B. (1989)  "De handel in het recht op arbeid", in: Kuipers, Th.A.F. (ed) Wijsgerig Perspectief 29, nr. 4 112-8.

hamminga B. (1989)  "Methodologie en Public Relations", Maandschrift Economie 53, no. 5 336-46.

Balzer, W. and B. hamminga (eds.) (1989) Philosophy of Economics, Erkenntnis Vol 30, nr. 1-2. . Reprinted as Balzer, W. and hamminga, B. (1989) Philosophy of Economics, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers ISBN 0-7923-0157-9, 270 pag. contents

hamminga B. (1990)  " The Structure of Six Transformations in Marx's Capital", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol 16 89-111. #

hamminga B. (1990) "Economic Methodology: Some Thoughts on its Social Function in the History of Economics", 2-feb-'90, 15 p.

hamminga B. (1990)  "Rationele wetenschapsontwikkeling in een pluralistische democratie: toegepast economisch onderzoek", in: Heyde, L. en Visser, H. (eds.) Filosofie en Democratie, Tilburg University Press, pp. 159-171.

hamminga B. (1991)  "Arbeid, markt, macht en gezondheid",in: Bijl, R. en D. Bauduin (red) Categorie V, arbeidsongeschikt wegens psychische stoornissen, Utrecht, Nederlands Centrum voor Geestelijke Volksgezondheid.

hamminga B. (1991)  "Review of 'Conceptual Anomalies in Economics and Statistics' by Leland Neuberg", Erkenntnis 34, Kluwer Academic Publishers 129-32.

hamminga, B. (1991) "Comments on Hands: Meaning and Measurement of Excess Content" In: de Marchi, N.B. and Blaug, M. (eds) Appraising Economic Theories Hants, Brookfield: Edward Elgar 76-84.

hamminga B. (1991)  "Ethiek en Economie" (Boekbespreking van 'Terugkeer van de Ethiek, Denken over Economie en Samenleving', Bouckaert, L. e.a. Tijdschrift voor Politieke Economie #

hamminga B. (1991)  "Labour as a Utility", in: Neulinger J.(ed) Newsletter of the Society for the Reduction of Human Labour, Vol. 2, no. 1 5-6.

hamminga B. (1992)  "Learning Economic Method from the Invention of Vintage-Models", in: de Marchi, N.B. (ed) Post-Popperian Methodology of Economics: Recovering Practice, Kluwer 327-54.

hamminga B. (1992)  "Reply to Weintraub" in: de Marchi, N.B.(ed) Post-Popperian Methodology of Economics: Recovering Practice, Kluwer 375-378.

hamminga B. (1992) "Schabas, M. 'Breaking Away. History of Economics as History of Science HOPE 24:1)" Nieuwsbrief Genootschap voor de geschiedenis van het economisch denken, Jaargang 2, Nr. 2 9-11

hamminga B. (1992)  "Idealization in the Practice and Methodology of Classical Economics: the Logical Struggle with Lemma's and Undesired Theorems", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. 25 103-14.

hamminga, B. and N.B. de Marchi (eds.) (1994) Idealization IV: Problems of Idealization in Economics, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities Vol 38, Amsterdam, Rodopi, 337p.

Cools, K., hamminga, B. and Kuipers, T. (1994) "Truth Approximation by Concretization in Capital Structure Theory" in: hamminga B. and N.B. de Marchi (eds)   Idealization VI: Idealization in Economics. Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Vol 38. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi 205-28.

hamminga, B. and N.B. de Marchi (1994) "Idealization and the Defense of Economics: Notes Toward a History" in: Idealization IV: Idealization in Economics, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, Vol. 38 , Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi. 11-41

hamminga B. (1994) "Jager over de theorie van de internationale handel", Tilburg University Research Memorandum, Department of Economics, FEW 650, 28 p.

hamminga B. (1995)  "Demoralizing the Labour Market: "Could Jobs be like Cars and Concerts?", Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 3, no. 1, March 23-35.

hamminga, B. (1995) "Interesting Theorems in Economics" in: Kuipers Th.A.F. and Anne Ruth Mackor (ed) Cognitive Patterns in Science and Common Sense, Groningen Studies of Science, Logic and Epistemology, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Vol. 45 Amsterdam Atlanta: Rodopi 227-39.

hamminga, B. (1995) "Economie als utopie" in: Thieleman H.(ed) Uitgegroeid, economie tussen wetmatigheid en utopie, Baarn: Gooi en Sticht.  ##-##

hamminga, B. (1996) "Struktura szesciu transformacji w trzecim tomie 'Kapitalu' Marksa", , t2" (15) Oblicza idealizacji. 185-210

hamminga, B. (1996) "Dirk Noordman, Economie en filosofie in de vroege middeleeuwen 750-1250" Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Wijsbegeerte 88, 3 juli 1996 241-4

hamminga, B. (1997) Dictaat Wijsbegeerte 2 voor de propedeuse Economie, Econometrie en BIK, Tilburg, Tilburg University, 13e druk.

hamminga B. (1997) "Srawnitelnaja ekonomitschjeskaja etika", in: Kormin, N.A. (ed.) Kultura Rassiskawa Predprinimatelstwa, Moscow: Rassiskaja Akademia Nauk, Institut Filosofii, 200-4

hamminga, B. (1998) Informatie, Waarheid en Werkelijkheid: Dictaat Wijsbegeerte, Propedeuse Bestuurlijke Informatiekunde KUB, Tilburg, Tilburg University, eerste druk.

hamminga, B. (1998)  Dictaat Filosofie van de Economie, doctoraal Algemene Economie, Economische Faculteit, Katholieke Universiteit Brabant KUB Tilburg,.

hamminga, B. (1997) "Plagiaat", Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1997 60-1

hamminga, B. (1997) "Nomaden en bastionfilosofen", Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1998 106

hamminga, B. (1998) "Filosofie, Rationaliteit en Cultuur", Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1998 202-3

hamminga, B. (1998) "Conc", Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1998 136-7

hamminga, B. (1998) "De collectieve geest", Wijsgerig Perspectief, 1998 168-9

hamminga, B. (1998) "Plausibility", Davis, John B., D. Wade Hands, Uskali Mki (eds), Handbook of Economic Methodology, Cheltenham etc: Edward Elgar 364-6

hamminga, B. (1998) "Poznan Approach", Davis, John B., D. Wade Hands, Uskali Mki (eds), Handbook of Economic Methodology, Cheltenham etc: Edward Elgar 388-91

hamminga, B. (1999) Moscows Moral Atmosphere in the First Years of Transition

hamminga, B. (2000) Power: the African Point of View

hamminga, B. (2000) Language, Reality and Truth: the African Point of View

hamminga, B. (2000) The Western Versus the African Time Concept  

hamminga, B. (2000) Epistemology from the African Point of View

hamminga, B. (2000) Le Penseur Africain

hamminga, B. (2000) Identifying Culture Groups

hamminga, B. (2000) Time, Economics and Business

hamminga, B. (2000) Economics, Philosophy And The Social Morality Of Colonialism

Brugmans, E. en B. hamminga (2000) "Kritische studie naar aanleiding van 'Responsibility and Control' " Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, nr.1, p.125-38

hamminga, B. (2000) "Review of Magnus, Jan, R. and Morgan, Mary S., Two Experiments in Econometrics, Chichester etc: Wiley 1999", De Economist 148, No. 2, p.279-80

hamminga, B. and Balzer W. (2000) "The Basic Structure of general Equilibrium Theory", Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Vol 75. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi 149-70

hamminga, B. (2001) "What Explains Complexity", in: Zellner, Arnolld, Hugo A. Keuzenkamp and Michael McAleer (eds) Simplicity in Econometrics, Cambridge: Cambridge Un. Press 2001, 120-27

hamminga, B. (2001) Can Economics Mean Something to the Semantic Programme?

hamminga, B. (2005) Constructive Realism and Scientific Progress, Confirmation, Empirical Progress, and Truth Approximation, Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Vol 83. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi 317-36

hamminga, B. (ed.) (2005) Knowledge Cultures. Comparative Western and African Epistemology (Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities, vol. 88) Amsterdam/New York, NY: Rodopi, 2005, With chapters by Prof Kwame Anthony Appiah, Princeton University, USA, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of Uganda, Leszek Nowak, Poznan University, Poland, Publisher's information http://www.rodopi.nl

hamminga, B. (ed.) (to appear 2005), "Is The Enlightened World View On Retreat?" in: Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of Science and the Humanities, Vol ##. Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi ###-##