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Crtd 05-05-21 Lastedit 20-11-24

The Racial Page
Beyond Political Incorrectness

It is not politically incorrect to say about humans that there are different races, but if you say that races are different you risk heavy fines and even jail sentences in many countries. However, if races are not different, there clearly is only one single one, "All Races Are The Same" is a logically inconsistent statement.  The scientific approach to the issue of human races does not go down with the public just like, say, electricity or thermodynamics, where you will find explanations of what people need to know about its proper employment and hazards in the user manual of toasers, water boilers etc. This is because the racial issue has long been a favourite to Jews, Christians, Muslims, Nazi's etc. in the context of who has certain "rights" (and who has certain rights to do to certain others certain things which those others, to put it mildly, do not like). The Catholic Church did not think of negroes as humans until Sublimus Dei of 1637 recognized them as such. Of course that was not a scientific discovery. It simply reflected a change in the technique and balance of power and extortion. Likewise, the Nazi's dropped the Jews out again in the early 20th century. That was not a scientific discovery either. It was a "clearly tag the target" decision, where the target was selected as one that in practice could be taken advantage of by clearly tagging and targeting. Throughout history Jews did not define an other race to target, but they "tagged" themselves. For the Jew, the first thing you need to know about another human has always been: whether it is a Jew or not. Again, the issue has no relation to science. Jews feel they need some tagging criterion to decide who is in and who is out. They found one, of course not perfect, and are ready to manually sort the impressive pile of borderline cases (leading to curious events like the importation to Israel of an entire Falasha Ethiopian tribe in the 1980's ). Now, we all got so afraid of such, indeed depressing and inhuman things that we fearfully hold that, though there are different races, races are not different. All difference is "culture". "Education". "It will disappear". "It should". "We shall all be exactly the same". There are, we fearfully hold, no behaviour differences due to differences of genetic makeup. "We are basically all the same".

Thus, now, as it stands, the world sleeps not any more as a racist, but as a hypocrite. This is how we shape our newspaper stories, our radio and TV programs. It is only a continuation of an awesome history of human stupidity and cruelty. It is not the subject of The Racial Page.


Encyclopaedia Britannica on Race Difference In Psychomotor Aptitudes

All mankind is of one species. Zoologically, human races are all mutually interfertile subspeciesi.e., breeding populations that differ in the relative frequencies of one or more genes. Although the variety of possible traits is practically limitless, random mating is not the case. Because of historical inbreeding tendencies, it is statistically improbable that any two human races have the same means and variances for all psychological traits. Not surprisingly, therefore, significant differences in psychomotor behaviour are found among ethnic groups throughout the world.

In one classic set of data (1904) on form-board skill (fitting nine geometric forms into correct holes), the average time in seconds for completing the task varied for different racese.g., seven African Pygmies (82.20), 12 Philippine Negritos (63.30), 55 American Indians and Eskimos (34.24), and 74 U.S. whites (27.80). Average error scores fell in the same order and, consistent with a genetic hypothesis, hybrid groups were appropriately ranked in between. These small samples were, however, not necessarily representative; i.e., no effort was made to equate for differences in cultural values and psychomotor experiences found in different societies. Furthermore, since these were average differences, no conclusions about individual persons were warranted. It is interesting that the rankings were found to change for other psychomotor tasks; e.g., on a test of tapping and aiming skill, Eskimos surpassed all others, followed by Filipinos, who were in turn trailed by Caucasians. A more recent study (1967) discovered that a sample of Mongoloid Chamorro people from Saipan and another of Indians from the U.S. exceeded white norms on a test of maze-tracing ability. In both studies, people of mixed races tended to make intermediate scores, a fact consistent with contemporary research in behavioral genetics and physical anthropology.

No particular race is found to be uniformly superior in all psychomotor aptitudes and capacities, but environmental causes seem to be inadequate to explain differences in rate of acquisition and final level of performance on standard apparatus. For some tasks (e.g., on the rotary pursuit meter) psychologists report that the degree of initial hereditary determination seems to reach 90 percent, thus leaving little room for sociological variables to operate. Teams conducting research with infant tests have noted that Congoid babies in both Africa and the United States are more precocious in sensorimotor maturation than are Caucasoid babies in Africa, the United States, or Europe, and that this precocity lasts about three years, after which whites outperform the blacks. By adolescence, Negro subjects score significantly less well than whites on complex coordinator, rotary pursuit meter, discrimination reaction, selective mathometer, and two-hand coordinator tasks. On the other hand, Chinese- and Japanese-American infants lag behind Caucasians in motor development but perform better than both whites and blacks on certain eyehand coordination and dexterity tasks at later ages.

Many research workers believe that social, economic, educational, and attitudinal variables that might unequally influence minority groups are of little consequence in the psychomotor field. They point out, for instance, that Chinese, Jewish, Negro, and Puerto Rican children, when tested by members of their own cultures, show distinctive patterns of basic perceptual and motor abilities, and their particular skill profiles are unaffected by differences in socio-economic level. Malnutrition (e.g., protein deficiency) is not believed to be a plausible explanation unless there has been severe deprivation during the perinatal period. According to much of the literature, blacks generally do better than whites on chemical taste tests, rhythmic discrimination, visual acuity, colour perception, and resistance to special optical illusions; Mongoloids show better taste sensitivity and less colour blindness than Caucasoids; and on certain physical-fitness tests male Afro-American athletes are notonly superior to their white countrymen but their relative proficiency is inversely correlated with the degree of Caucasoid admixture.

Genetic behavioral differences among human populationsjust as those of morphologyappear to be the rule rather than the exception. Tarahumara Indians far surpass other races in endurance at long-distance running contests; Andeans and Tibetans are superbly adapted to working at high altitudes; Eskimos excel on psychomotor tasks performed under low-temperature stress. It is plausible that the inherited factors underlying behavioral aptitudes and capacities have evolved from different selective pressures in different ecological niches. As is true for age and sex, however, hereditary and environmental variables are complexly intertwined in racial studies. Nevertheless, genetic determinants seem to be far more powerful in the etiology of original psychomotor aptitudes. It does not follow that learnability is weak. Quantitative experiments demonstrate that heritabilities can be systematically altered by controlled practice; this is a theoretical discovery of broad implications for practical training programs. At the same time, it would appear that the hereditary control of several psychomotor abilities tends to be less pronounced at the end of training than at the beginning.

More Crime prone, predator instinct

Shallow consciousness (space time, het hier en nu van de primitieve nomade)

Handelen in opwellingen ervaren "volwassenen" als "kinderlijk". Evenals "hier" handelen zonder te beseffen dat "ergens anders" iets gebeurt dat dat handelen af te raden maakt

Begrip van het eigen denken: geen verschil maken tussen conclusies ("wat je merkt door") uit zien, horen en dromen

No critical reflection, they are will-less victims of what their brains make of what their senses perceive, hence wild stories about flying reed baskets fueled by human blood, 1 m diameter snakes, and what have you. The white-yellow adult brain has a critical filter powered by analysis, that makes you say: "no that cannot be what it looks like". No such corrections in the negro brain: what you've seen, you've seen, after all, you have seen it yourself, personally! What can be more sure?

Like Whites/Asians but a little closer to other primates, with the notable exception of the head-fur

During apartheid: The Japanese demanded their citizens to be classified "white" or else they would join the boycott. Granted. Later under BEE (Black Economic Empowerment, ook wel "reverse racism", black positive discrimination) the Chinese demanded to be classified "black". Granted!

The absence of conscience: Mandeville in Africa

When you see tarmac collapsing, potholes coming shoulders washing away just one year after the road contractor earned big money for the job,
when you see policemen harrassing some white tourists for not wearing seatbelts and during their efforts to get a bribe you see twenty lethally dangerous cars committing the most brutal types of traffic offences, carrying driving licenses bought from for big money from government without having had any previous instruction.
When you see a traffice police officers without helmet on the back of a colleagues motor cycle to pursue and extort an innocent civilian motorbike driver for not wearing a helmet,
when I, white want to buy a bamboo stick and the seller starts his negotiation from a price of $ 30,
When you....

you thing by yourself: "you ought to be ashamed".
In fact, we would be, but they are not. A former Kampala mayor jailed in the USA for cheque fraud was, after his release, given a hero's welcome at Entebbe airport.

When you acquire something, by whatever means, you are envied. If you get caught, jailed, injured, shot, you are pitied. But there's no shame.

They need God. They are very religious, because they feel in whatever endeavours, totally at the mercy of powers beyond them. So they pray: "God, tonight when I am out stealing, please help me not to get caught"

"you ought to be ashamed"....ought to may be, but incapable for sure. Why?

Angst versus geweten. Mandeville in Africa .....

Although negroes are world wide over represented in the crime scene, they are scarce indeed at the top. There technique is, on average not just unprofessional, but outright childish