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Crtd 12-07-11 Lastedit 20-11-24

What job did Miss Eunice tell you to do today? ... Clear the grass under the canoe!  

After Roland's memorable departure to Europe I continuously had at least two workers of Eunice close to my boat all day. About the nights I am not sure. I do not think they understood the jobs they were given there were meant to allow them to be interviewed about me later, and cannot exclude with certainty they weren't at all. But the packing of my valuables in the car I thought I'd better leave for 2100 hrs. in the dark of Saturday night, when shamba boy Bernard, never doing anything but kept in service as a curiosity because he does not steal, always is well asleep, as we all know for he does not come anymore to open the gate when we hoot and lets us struggle with our fingers under the steel door to painfully lift the bolt.

... Petra would sell my remaining valuables, and finally the truck containing them, to be stored in the truck on her compound ...

But lo and behold: half an hour after I started my job, Bernard in full day time dress, came next to my car, checking what I was doing and starting a conversation. I switched off the light and told him in the dark that he never had his eyes open enough to come to the gate for me at this hour. That I was now busy and had no time for him and wished him good night. He went off. I switched the lights back on and loaded the truck, pondering how on earth he could have seen the light while in his normal position of that hour: eyes closed, sleeping on his bed. Or did someone else see it and wake him up?

... last gig in Jazzville Bugolobi ...

... Kampala Jazz singer Mr. Wezz did not know this song ... neither did I, but I stood in for him anyway ...

The next morning was Sunday and nobody works. Normally that is. But this was not a normal Sunday: the noise of two workers chatting right next to my dhow woke me up. So I looked down from my steering deck and said:
"Good morning, how are you today"
"We are fine"
"You are early today!"
"What job did Miss Eunice give you for today?"
"Clear the grass under the canoe"
The new Banda canoe, just painted in Barbie colours under the leadership of Petra, was lying right next to the dhow on the ramp. Two workers were weeding the grass under it. A third one was hand-weeding the football field size lawn at the side nearest to the ramp (see picture below). Far on the balcony I saw Bernard (#4 on the picture below), whom I send away the night before, sweeping the balcony floor for hours.

All this early Sunday morning. When normally the entire compound is deserted.

... Sunday morning 0900 hrs. ... What job did Miss Eunice tell you to do today? ... Clear the grass under the canoe! ... (#4 left background: Bernard needed the entire morning to sweep the balcony at the side looking out on my dhow) ...

... my last morning coffee on the dhow ... a bit early due to frantic noisy close range activity of Eunice's staff...

On my last harbour swim I got bitten by a fish. I probably stood on her nest. Normally in such a case they bump hard with their lips, rough to have grip on their prey, against your calf, but I may have missed the signal and got attacked. I deserved it of course ... sorry!

... bitten by a fish  (I probably stood on her nest, sorry!) ...

Apart from Nasty and Mlawatu, that fish was the only one I felt sorry to leave behind at the harbour.

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