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Friendship Series 2017
We can't wait!  

... Will the sky again be the only limit for Wim Bleeker in 2017?  ...

The competition calendar of the international 12 foot Dinghy Classical Wood Club is out. For 2017, a fourth competition event is added, in South Belgium, at Lac de l'Eau d'Heure. This is the calendar for 2017:

April 1-2 Baldeneysee, Ruhr, Essen, Germany (details). Segelgemeinschaft Baldeneysee
June 3-4-5 Kager Plassen (Netherlands) Pinksterwedstrijden, (details) KWV de Kaag
July 21-22-23 Lowestoft, East England (details) RN&SYC
October 28-29 Lac de l’eau d’heure, South Belgium (details) SNEH Club de Voile

Details of registration, travel and lodging will be updated here

April 1-2 April Baldeneysee, Ruhr, Essen, Germany

... Location: just South of Essen. From Hook of Holland 3hrs., from Calais:  4 hrs. 30 min, from Paris: 6 hrs., from Utrecht: 2 hrs. 20 min ...

Baldeney See is a stretch of 5 km where the Ruhr is 500 meter wide due to a barrage. Its area South of Essen will change your idea of the Ruhrgebiet for you are in nature: small roads, silence, trees and water. On one slope the palace the Krupps steel family built as their home.

Segelgemeinschaft Baldeneysee and our CWC-man Reinhard Schroeder host the 12foot and the Olympia Dinghies early spring and we have good memories of gorgeous prices and excellent dining in good company!

... Baldeneysee ...

... towed to port ...

... club house Segelgemeinschaft Scheppen Baldeneysee ...

... 2016 Friendship Series winner Wim Bleeker (left) and CWC commodore Bert Hamminga entertaining the diners ...

... Baldeneysee is also where CWC commodore Bert Hamminga, trailing seriously back in the race, made a small detour to fish the Friendship Hat (in the colours of the 12foot Dinghy class flag O) out of the lake, now the annual prize for the winner of the Friendship Series (video: Wim Bleeker, winner Friendship Series receives the Friendship Hat at Lowestoft) ...

June 3-4-5 Kager Plassen (near Leyden), Pinksterwedstrijden, The Netherlands

... Location: just North of Leiden. From Hook of Holland 1 hrs., from Calais 4 hrs. from Paris: 5 hrs. ...

This event differs from the other three Friendship Series events in that Friendship participants with classic wood dinghies not licensed in the Netherlands are exceptionally allowed to share in an official  Dutch competition event with not rarely up to 50 participating 12foot Dinghies. The lakes will be ours: there will be no other classes competing. We generally see quite some foreign Dinghy sailors from Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, England, Ireland, Italy. Some will rent or borrow a licensed Dutch 12foot.

... The famous "Kaagsocieteit" of KWV de Kaag ... an historical venue for the 12foot Dinghy ... and good food too ...

... nobody sensitive to the pure Dutch landscape with its Vermeer clouds comes here only once ...

July 21-22-23 Lowestoft, East England

Lowestoft was a first last year and we are all excited. See our illustrated report. Not only are we back in the motherland of the 12foot Dinghy, but at a gorgeous and very English place as well!

... Location: 2 hrs. North of Harwich, 3 hrs. 30 min North of Dover ...

... 12foot Dinghy line up at Lowestofts RN&SSC's sea harbour ...sfhg
... The famous Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club ... 

... start in front of Lowestoft sea boulevard ...

... 12foot dinghies in a Northeasterly at the Lowestoft  coast ... in the background: horizon direction Holland (at 160 km) ... 

... dining at RN&SSC is a social event where you meet the club as you only do in England (see report)...

Green light for a sea race requires care. Our Lowestoft CWC-man Mark Duffield, in the organizing Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club and Great Yarmouth Yacht Club will again make sure we have a professional race leadership. And the rescue boats. Last year we had an unusual Northereasterly, hence waves from sea, but easily doable the first two days. The last day we had to cancel at a small 4 Bft. In the normal Westerly winds, the waves come from the beach, never much further away than 1 km, and racing is safe just slightly below the wind speed limits classic Dinghyland uses on lakes.

... in case of rough sea we go to Oulton Broad, 2.2 km long, 250m wide ... though small, big enough for racing without disappointment ...

... Oulton Broad's green parking and camping under trees, and a double slipway ...

 October 28-29 Lac de l’eau d’heure, South Belgium

This year's windfall discovery. A lake of created by a barrage. We're going to try that in 2017!

... From Calais 2 hrs. 30 min, From Hook of Holland and from Utrecht 3 hrs., from Paris 3 hrs. 20 min. ...

Our OK Dinghy friends have this autumn competition annually, we are invited to step in and join the event organized by SNEH Club de Voile Plate Taille (Plate Taille is an alias of Lac de l'eau d'heure) and our CWC-man Pieter Bleeker, who is already scouting for good lodging for us all.

The shore slopes of Lac de l'eau d'heure are not very steep, which means not too many thermals that can turn the tacking legs into a casino.

... Lac de l'eau d'heure (Plate Taille)  ... quite OK size 3.5 by 0.9 km ...

...  Cuvée des Lacs de l'  Eau d' Heure, a 5.2 alc vol% very light and clear pilsener style beer that would do well in your dinghy on a hot end-of-October day in the downwind lap ...


How could a classic 12foot Dinghy sailor skip any of these 4 unforgettable events?

Web site of the Classical Wood Club

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