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Crtd 14-09-25 Lastedit 15-10-27

A Cat for Lake Vic
Guest star: my mam  

Last year, after informing about my platform and its builder Jobbe (Aluminiumjon), Roland decided to order a high speed diesel catamaran for Lake Victoria, that would make my platform a trifle. But, like mine the first of its kind, custom built. Now it was ready for testing on the Westeinder Lake.

... Rolands camper, arriving at my mam's (age 90), who eagerly joined for the catamaran test trip ...
... Roland always happy for once not to be the oldest ...

... the cat's length is to fit a long container (13.72 m) in which it shall be transported to Uganda ...

... 56 km per hour, my gps said ...

... Roland in Heaven ... 

... My mother in the purgatory ...

That done, after an excellent dinner, still with my mother, who drank a glass of each wine bottle we ordered, in restaurant "The Deer" in Naarden. Excellent, but no deer, for, the charming waitress claimed, they considered such, considering the name of the restaurant, as "not done", Roland and I seem to have rolled in our beds at the Linge river.

At least there we woke up there the next day, to sail downstream for a visit to my friend, the hunter and dog trainer Piet in the river village of Heukelom [more about Piet] . My reason of course was to have the two hunters/fishers meet (by the way Piet just shot a big deer in Hungary). We went half walking speed with a line out. Roland wanted to make a glorious entry into Heukelom with a good pike. He'd done it before, here on my river, but ... no bite, and the mood went somber. Until 100 m from arrival when he caught a 70 cm pike perch, which decently impressed Piet, who quoted a retail price of 30 euro.

... back on my platform in the river Linge, Roland caught a 70 cm pike perch ...

... Roland's cook excited! ...

... Roland and I managed with great effort to swallow the perch's starboard side ...
... the rest would be my awesome  fishsoup for days to come ...

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