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Crtd 2014-04-26 Lastedit 18-08-30

Moved 30 m downstream

Today I moved a bit downstream, a countermove to strong preferences of another candidate tenant. This other place is just as well for me and my flex keeps my rent low.

In my move I came from the left. My outboard refused but the wind was right, so I untied the ropes and sailed. As soon as I did, the wind soared and turned to blow me on the river. I passed my new little harbour, managed to pick some branches and brought a long line windward to pull me in. In this maneuvre I closely passed Winnie and Nelson's nest twice.

... Winnie on her nest ...

Winnie and Nelson, got a bit nervous seeing me finally moor 1.5 meters from their nest. But I managed to keep Winnie largely on her eggs during the maneuvre. Calm returned. Now Nelson is even continuing his endless 100m distance shuttle bringing rotten stems to the nest.

... Nelson, who knows me since last december anyway, reassured after my move, continuing his endless 100m shuttle bringing rotten stems to the nest ...

What a blessing it must be for their young, now still in their eggs: they will spend their youth in the lovely odour of my Havana cigars listening to excellent jazz, every morning enjoying a decent blurb of my underwater toilet!

Now pointed South West I clearly see that the lapwings are in charge of 24/7 red alert ultra high speed crow air defense, other small birds profiting. Crows have a hard time over grassland since it is neatly divided in lapwing territories. Chased off one, he will be received by the lapwing of the adjacent territory.

... lapwings maintain a 24/7 ultra high speed red alert crow air defense ...

Meanwhile the river water temperature has become swimmable without heroism.

... My new street side gate is next to my old one (left) ...
... There's no official street number but a previous tenant had one made anyway: 48 ...

... not too shabby ...

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