
Crtd 2014-04-01  Lastedit 15-08-20


My father was a cigar smoker. His death left smokers in our family with a weakend strategic position in the elderly home, since my mother had always tolerated smoking all over the house, magnanimously but not shy of professing her  dislike. Now we couldn't but equally magnimously refuse her kind offer to keep smoking in the house. Following the admirably controlled action by Putin in Ukraine, I thought of going for a small Crimea, a 900 euro garden hut which my mother was so generous to sponsor.

...  arrival ...

... painting the sides before becoming unreacheable by mounting ...

... ecologically responsible pole foundation ...

... our Fumus Templette in full operation ... more pictures ...
... left text: "conversing with smokers threatens the mental health of  you and your unborn child", right: "Service, do not disturb" ...

But smoking is about to move outdoors, spring is coming!

... on the LINGE 2, the veranda tent  is about to be removed ...

... modern dinos lop the willows of the adjacent apple tree field at a speed of 1 m per second ...

... early morning of sunny day, with dew frost ...

... despite spring fog, outside board piano stand designed and mounted ...

... Piet, the local hunter, sometimes decides to take all his shot geese home, not ceding me one, but fortunately one had sneaked out and later passed ...
... left: as it came downstream, right: artist impression to instruct hunters how to enhance this sympathetic service ...

... March 28, dive 2014  #1, chilly but doable ...
