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Crtd 13-09-10 Lastedit 15-11-14

A Dolphin
Size Matters

... the seller charmed to help the new owner sailing away with it ...

... and disappearing behind the horizon ...

... the Dolphin at the Linge prepared for expeditions and overnight stay ...

... IJsselmeer, starting at Naarden (near Amsterdam) ...

... On the way to Enkhuizen, sunset  direction of Hoorn ...

This 3-day trip from Naarden (near Amsterdam) ended in Heeg (Friesland) at the holiday house of my sister. I was not surprised to be the only small open dinghy crossing the IJsselmeer, but even in Friesland it lasted long before I met an open sailing boat on tour. To sail a tour in Friesland people nowadays require a cabin with kitchen, toilet and shower. Open sailing boats are trailered to a competition venue, do a race, then are pulled out and taken home. You do not see them in the wild. The average motorboat grew significantly since ten years ago I last left Friesland (to live in Africa), and tripled since my youth, to the size of now taking my wind when passing. Name giving did not change much: most popular still is wrongly spelt Latin or Greek. Then English or French, and some Dutch, but German names sport only on German boats.

My plan to proceed and sleep on a Waddenzee sandbank got rudely blocked by upcoming bad weather. I left the Dolphin in Heeg.

Two weeks later I returned for a small two day tour in Friesland. Night prediction: fog but dry. I sleep on the Koevordermeer North shore without tent, full moon, and mosquitos. But bless old age!, my blood is now considered inappropriate: nobody bites, what remains is some noise pollution.

... Koevordermeer North side fog but dry ...

Then I took the Dolphin back to the Linge. 

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