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Crtd 13-05-24 Lastedit 15-10-27

Collecting the Cabin

Back in the Alps. Behind the house at the right in the picture below, the escarpment goes up almost vertically for a kilometer, then a bit more gradually (just walkable) another kilometer and a half to reach the close to 3500 m summits of the Grandes Rousses. Here down in Le Raffour at 700 m [see the place in Google Earth], stood my cabin [history of the cabin] all the time I lived in Africa.

... heavy spring rains had turned the place into a mud pool ...
 this needs my 1.5 ton hand winch ...

... Giselle, Sebastien and Dominic Fiorèse, a family selling cheese of its own goats on the market ...
... my moped my goodbye present for  Sebastien who had no transport when home ...

... Down to Grenoble from Les Grandes Rousses (white in background) ...

After getting robbed on the French payage (no big deal compared to African piracy) I arrived, bank cards blocked, and with some cash from friends at my Linge site in the middle of the night. Getting at the river side of the dike again required some pulling with my heavy hand winch, but it worked. Then, a male goose would not stop its territorial honking before it got the contents of my piss tank over its feathers. But after that my first nap in my kraal could begin.

... arrival at the Linge river ...

... first sunset cigar ...

... quickly bought a solar panel and made a swim jetty (left) ...

... can you believe it ...

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