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List of Bert's Technical Journals
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End 2002. Schaftkeet Journaal
(customizing my moveable cabin, in Dutch)

Started 2005 Dhow Building Logbook

May 2010 My Truck
(an African nomadic microcamper)


End of 2010-2011 The U-turn Journal (sailing tourists with the dhow)
#1: The Drawing Table
#2: Deck Tent, Proto-Hut, Power, and Mashabala's Excess Peace
#3 Sese Island Wood hunt
#4 Out what we want out
#5 Cabins and Kiswahili
#6 Forecastle (making the cabins)
#7 Sanitary Complex
#8 Winch operation failed
#9 Removing porridge
#10 Closing the Hull
Mid 2013: platform journal
Early 2014: Smoking temple