Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

  Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site

All Banda Pictures

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

  Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site


From A Summary Guide to Banda Island

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

 Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site

East beach

Source Page

Source Page    (there click: Bacchus workshop)

Source Page

Source Page (there click: Banda Armada

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Source Page

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Banda Treasury Source Page

Source Page

Unfortunately for reasons unfamiliar to even the soberest of onlookers, the paraffin fridge caused an impressive explosion of the Banda Treasury just after closing time on January 14, 2009, 03:45. Since all six guests and the host had been too drunk to store their chairs, 7 of the 20 foldable chairs were saved from the fire. Source Page

A brand new elegant lake rock 4 story bar, saloon, backgammon den and watchtower is envisaged on the whereabouts of the Treasury remainders Source Page

Source Page

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

 Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site

South beach

Hippos at the South Beach Source Page

Dom's dhow Source Page

Backpacker's bunker Source Page

"Miss the Fun" premium first class cottage (Formerly Backpacker's bunker) Source Page

Source Page

Source Page

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

 Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site


Source Page

Source Page

Source Page

Source Page

King Dom full out Source Page

Source Page

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

 Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site


Bacchus Temple ***  Source Page

Dream Pavilion Source Page

Dream Pavilion Source Page

Dream Pavilion Source Page

Dream Pavilion Source Page

King Edward IV Relief Centre *** Source Page

King Edward IV Relief Centre *** Source Page

Greetings Home

Banda Pictures Home

 Banda is a resort with guest huts, a dormitory and a camp site. Official Guests information Site


This proposal of mine to replace tourists with dogs did not make it in the board Source Page

Source Page

Hippo prints #1 Source Page

Hippo prints #2 (nobody was in...) Source Page

Hippos at sunset Source Page

Our shopping for Christmas dinner Source Page