Nairobi Pages

bullet1 First visit with Dom, general impression of Nairobi, Royal Nairobi Golf Club
bullet2 Design trends and fashion, "Can I wear this?", Golf, Kissed by Cheetah
bullet3 Faulty Towers Nairobi (Ann's new High End B&B), a slum riot
bullet4 Maiden Voyage (of my micro-camper from Uganda to Nairobi), meeting baboons
bullet5 High End (Ann's B&B), Golf Life
bullet6 Candidate for Election (Golf Club)
bullet7 "You Should Have Been Here!" (I Missed the New Year's Party)
bullet8 Charming company, 2 kids and an Alsatian with a firm driveling bite
bullet9 "You are less useful than at previous visits"
bullet10 Granuloma Annulare

bullet11 Two Barbies