COSWOP-Certified RYA draft PPR assessment in view of further modernization of Life At Sea

Question 1. (case study)
In early April the US Coast Guard sunk a deserted Japanese trawler that had appeared off the coast of Alaska more than a year after being set adrift by the tsunami.
      1A. Why sink it? OUR ANSWER 1A:  Doors were not properly secured (COSWOP 8.5.1)
Rated: correct
      1B. Where does USCG store its obligatory full copy of MARPOL and why? OUR ANSWER 1B: in the USCG vessel's life raft to remind users to refrain from any sanitary activities until they have duly boarded a rescuing vessel equipped with an IMO-POOH-344.244 certified sewage plant.
Rated: correct

Question 2.: (general knowledge)
How does COSWOP 8.2.2. read? OUR ANSWER: Smoking regulations on the vessel should be strictly observed.
 Rated: correct
      Question 2A. Should all regulations be strictly observed which mention in a separate article or sub article that they should be? OUR ANSWER: Yes.
 Rated: correct
      Question 2B. Is it an offence to strictly observe regulations which do not, like COSWOP 8.2.2 mention in a separate article or sub article that they should be? OUR ANSWER: No.
 Rated: correct
      Question 2C. List below 5 regulations which should NOT be strictly observed (hint: be careful listing regulations which merely fail to state they should be strictly observed, instead list regulations that beyond reasonable doubt cannot possibly be strictly observed). OUR LIST:
        1. MARPOL
        2. COSWOP
        3  STCW
        4. SOLAS
        5. MGN 280 (M)
Rated: incorrect BASTARDS!!

Question 3.: (general knowledge)
What is the content of MGN 280 (M) 4.1.3.? OUR ANSWER: It says "Sections and apply to a vessel referred to in section 4.1.2."
Rated: correc

Choose 1 (one) alternative, and be sure all others are definitely wrong

Question 4.: (general knowledge)
Is drowning at sea an offence under MARPOL or any other worldwide or even UK regulation?
        1. Yes
        2. In all circumstances
        3. No
        4. In no circumstances
        5. Only when you have failed to tie up with BOB3445 certified binding straps to your remains, which should be contained in a life-buoy with Dan-buoy, light and buoyant line:
                5.1. an IMO-4 certified EPIRB
                5.3. an MCA-1BC certified SART
                5.3. a MAIB-3a1.1 saltwater proof certified list featuring
                        5.2.1. your personal IMO, MCA, RYA, and even your serious certificates
                        5.3.2. the latest addresses of the certificates' Issuing Agencies (keep up with MSN MGN and MIN) Why? Because they move to costlier buildings all the time. Rated: correct
                        5.3.3. a statement model MAIB 2.345.600 by your vessel's master specifying the circumstances causing your off shore departure from the vessel (NB if caused by fight, the master is held to report the exact item of fighting technique that caused deboardation (examples: haraj goshi, utsji mata, left upper cut or the like) so as to put MAIB in the position to prohibit it in a coming message which will be, depending on the Agency's rating of the incident, an MSN MGN or MIN, keep up!)
                        5.3.4. a complete copy of the COSWOP, piled with no exceptions in order of page number, no part of which older than 181 days 3 hours and 4 minutes at the time of your decease.
OUR ANSWER: "3, but w.r.t. alternative 5, note MGN 4.572.430: If while off board in life buoy you have COSWOP as required by regulation, but your copy threatens to expire before your decease, it is advised to detach yourself from the life buoy in order assure drowning at or before the regular deadline, provided you tie yourself to the life buoy by pulling the far end of the buoyant line around your waist and secure with three IMO-MCA-2456-certified half hitches. Rated: correct AHA!! don't fool US!!!

Question 5.: (general knowledge)
Is the amount of consumption of official marine regulations, RYA course material & assessments, alcohol and other stupefying material sufficient to meet UK marine standards - we ask: is it? - within the limits for persons located on vessels below category XII SCV, 13.7 stones, be they crew, passenger or guest?
        1. Yes
        2. No
        3. Only when the vessel is more than 1543.4 yards clear of any navigable water except originating from
                3.1. taps
                3.2. tubes or hose pipes
                3.3. PRA (HINT: personal relief activities)

Question 6.: (good marine conduct)
Would you advise having marine regulators or RYA staff on board more than 3 miles offshore?
1. No
2. Under no circumstances
3. When they do NOT have a distinctive wild look on their face you could have them, but only as a passenger, handcuffed if RYA staff, moreover mouthtaped if a marine regulator, provided
             3.1.   you have an approved isolation hut
             3.2.   carry 2 Somali certified gallows
             3.3.   certified tools to avoid Medium Risk ("consideration should be given as to whether the risk can be lowered"), by being able to effectively repair at least one of the gallows when both malfunctioning.but
                            3.3.1.   note COSWOP ANNEX 1.1. 4.2 Care should be taken to ensure that harm category definitions reflect both the short and long term health and safety consequences, and
                            3.3.2.   in this case COSWOP ANNEX 1.1. 4.3. applies: individuals can adapt the structure of table 1 to reflect their objectives
OUR ANSWER: 2 Rated: correct See? It's not always the longest...

Summarizing Questions Section

Question 6.: (general knowledge)
What is the highest certificate a yachtmaster needs and why? OUR ANSWER: RYA Yachtmaster offshore, because you are certified up to 150 miles and beyond that limit you will not be asked for fucking papers [RATED INCORRECT, you are suspended for 8 years 3 months 5 days 3 hours and 6 minutes from all seas other than not deeper than 104.43 cm and contiguous to mainland
            6.1. up to one working week before the expiry of your suspension when locating yourself closer than 99 yards to that limit you should
                        6.1.2. carry two waterproof copies of your letter of suspension and
                        6.1.2. wear an IMO MCA 4206.3336 certified swim suit
            6.2 you will in all circumstances be legally assumed to have read and fully understood MSN 2361.0345 WBWS (Wearing Bikinis While Suspended)