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Crtd 12-03-02  Lastedit 15-10-27

ANWB Car Breakdown Service and Renault Theft Prevention Technology
Introducing Contemporary Dutch Culture by Example

ANWB Car breakdown service: (waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help), ...then key 1...(waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help)
"My car's in Utrecht at Grutterskade 24, a Ugandan Kangoo diesel not starting. I'm off now, but can we do something about it tomorrow?
"What is your membership number?"
"I am from Uganda"
"Do you have a car breakdown service subscription there?"
"No, sorry"
"We can help you as a foreigner for 150 euro. Your name? Plate number? Zip code?".
"We have ZIP codes nor hut post delivery in Uganda."
"We shall come tomorrow morning between 6 and 7"
I sleep in my car ("De Boot"), minus 10oC is nothing special, De Boot is designed for paragliding, to be inhabitable in winter on high altitude, where -20oC makes a fair night.
Sunday morning 06:00. Dark. Arrival of breakdown service, in a good mood. An interruption in the battery wiring...stupid, could have found that myself... "That is 150 euros, you are a member for 3 months". I get a yellow carbon copy with preprinted membership number.

Three hours later.

ANWB Car breakdown service: (waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help), ...then key 1...(waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help)
"My car's in Utrecht Livingstonelaan, a Ugandan Kangoo diesel not starting."
"What is your membership number?"
"I do not get you on the screen here"
"I was helped three hours ago, Gruttersdijk 24, at 06:10 and was made a member for three months"
"You know Sir, a membership starts only after 8 days".
"But I was helped this morning, I read here on my membership certificate, by Mr. ..., staff number:... and paid him 150 euro cash."
"Oh you have been assisted already and paid cash, just a moment ...(waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help)...
"...Hello Sir, do you have another moment?"
"Yes, but I think I shall be cut off when my airtime is finished."
"I call you back"
"Yes Sir, thank you for waiting, here I am again.  Where were you assisted this morning?
"Gruttersdijk 24, at 06:10."
"I see it here. I will send someone, but you may have to pay another 150 euros"
"Will that make me again a member for three months?"
"Well, you see Sir, I do not get you in the system here".
"Anyway, thanks a lot, goodbye"

Arrival of the breakdown mechanic. This time start-safety hangs: the key fails to open the fuel supply valve. A security feature. My man digs a loose-leaf tricks-manual out of his car. Remove the fuses nr. ....  (8 pieces). Do not remove the other fuses. Wait "a while" for a system reset. Nope. Trick 2: firmly squeeze the key, then tap it on the steering and try again. Nope. Anyway, the spare key works neither. It can't be the key.
"Towing to a Renault garage?"
"Yes, and they can in the extreme entirely dismantle the safety, but that will take them time".
Suddenly the key gives way. The engine starts immediately. That solves it at long as it runs. I can drive to a Renault garage. The mechanic does not charge me.

Renault Garage Stam Bussum's (near my parents) head of mechanics Gerard tells me the burglar safety cannot be cut out because it is "totally integrated in the system". System? System? Where did I here that word before? O yes: the breakdown service desk could not get my membership nr. 271779217 "in the system".
Gerard will check the circuit.
Two hours later, he phones me: "Sir, I am trying now for 2 hours but I did not find anything. What do you want?".
"That is a surprising question, what do I want...ehmm...well, I would like to have that starting circuit repaired".
"Yes but I am not sure I will find anything and my diagnostic costs could easily rise to 1000 euro or more!"
"The alternative is to scrap a perfect car".
"Well, it is working now".
"Have you had the circuit break?"
"Yes, but it's gone again"
"Will I have it tomorrow?"
"Let's hope not Sir".
"We can't cut the whole shit off?"
"No Sir, it's totally integrated in the system"
Fantasizing to drill a hole in the metal straight through the bloody fuel supply valve, if only I would have a nice 3D picture to guide the rough journey, I decide to raise his limit to 750 euro and call Renault Netherlands.

Renault Netherlands was also a bit puzzled by the mechanic's "What do you want?" question. Did he contact Renault Netherlands Technical Support? I call Gerard back. No he hadn't, because first he would need a set of required data that he was still gathering. So the "What do you want?" question to the customer was posed even before consulting Renault Netherlands Technical Support.
"You should have told me, Gerard, because my answer to your question obviously would have been: gather all data to consult Renault Netherlands Technical Support, then tell me what they say".
We agree to that new arrangement.

At the end of the next day still nothing from Gerard. I decided to "need something left in my car". De Boot is parked outside and starts.
"Shall we try and start again tomorrow morning when it is really cold?" Gerard proposes.
I see no relevance of temperature but agree, just to give the starting circuit some chance to block again.
But nope the next morning. Simply starting.
"Did you talk to Renault Netherlands Technical Support Gerard?"
"No, what can I tell them, the failure has disappeared"
I pay 240 euro "research" and leave.

5 days later.

ANWB Car breakdown service: (waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help), ...then key 1...(waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help)
"My car's at road restaurant AC Veenendaal on the side with direction Utrecht, a Ugandan Kangoo diesel non starting."
"What is your membership number?"
"I do not get you here".
I tell the story: "...last Sunday...3 months...150 euro..."  etc.
"You car Ugandan? You live there? Since January 1 the 3-months membership option for foreigners is cancelled."
"I have a paper here, my membership number is 271779217"
"You paid for a once-only membership".
"And mechanic ... staff number ... I read here on my membership certificate, had not yet been informed about this philosophically interesting new coined concept of a once-only membership?"
"Do you have a moment Sir?"...(waiting line music: Billy Swan, I Can Help)...
"Where are you now?"
I repeat: "My car's at road restaurant AC Veenendaal on the side with direction Utrecht, a Ugandan Kangoo diesel non starting."
"What is the kilometer pole number?".
"Well, this is a parking place at the restaurant, but I could go out and take a look for you..."
"Ow I thought you said A7".
"No, AC, that is a restaurant chain along the Dutch highways, and I am on the side of the direction Utrecht".
"I will register you for assistance"
"I am really delighted, thank you very much".

The phone: "Sir I am your mechanic of ANWB Car breakdown service, but I cannot find you"
"My car's at road restaurant AC Veenendaal on the side with direction Utrecht"
"O the side with direction Utrecht. I am at the other side right now, so I will continue and turn"

My mechanic of Dutch ANWB Car breakdown service arriving at road restaurant AC Veenendaal on the side with direction Utrecht
(I'm inside editing EthicaWeb)

The mechanic arrives. "Key recognition problems Sir, that needs a genuine Renault Garage, even a normal general garage can't do anything".
"Yes but I am not allowed to, certainly not on the highway".
"Do you know a recovery service?"
"Well this is not my area Sir, but I know someone nearby here who is ready to do it black. There's also a Renault garage there".
"Got the number?"
"Well, let me call him myself"
He calls..."Is one hundred euros OK?".
I nod frantically.
To the black recoverer: "He says it is OK..."
To me: "Do you have it cash?"
I nod frantically.
To the black recoverer: "He has it cash".
To me: "So let me go now"
"He hasn't got my number has he? What if you gave me his".
"Well, I called you from the opposite side so you have my number. Let us say, if he is not here within an hour, you can call me".

The black recoverer, a cheerful early "retired" mechanic, tows me on his platform and takes me to Renault Maarssen.
"Yes, yes, all cars have key recognition nowadays, gives us a lot of work"
"But no cars stolen anymore!" I hopefully say.
"My God, no, but they are all pros and steal on order. They are real hackers and come with service cars crammed with digital gadgets".
"So I should have called one of those!"
"Haha yes, sure, but they are expensive".
The black recoverer's son is now working for ANWB Car breakdown service, but learnt the trade at Renault Maarssen. He himselfs drives Renault Maarssen cars for 40 years. That no doubt makes for a brilliant entry.
We arrive. The old man jumps from his cabin straight down on the pavement, ignoring the steps of his truck. "Let's have a chat here".

Entering heaven.

The chief mechanic Frans looks at the key I hand over, jumps on the platform, starts my car and drives off.
"What did you do!!!"
"Squeezing the key, and not like your you know what"
"But the other key refused as well!!!"
"Can be empty"
I knew it wasn't, it had worked in the last days.
"This is too fast", my black recoverer whispers, "just let them have a real good look".

"Uganda?" Frans asks.
"Yes. Can't we cut the shit off?"
Frans goes to the back and calls ... Renault Netherlands Technical Support. Scant "data to collect" before!
"No that is not what you are asking me, that is what I am asking you", I hear Frans, lazily leaned backward on his office chair, say.
He hangs up: "We can. Tomorrow at eight".
Frans calls a mechanic for briefing.
"With this one it's only the valve insn't it?"
"If it's one of the first, yes".
Thank God, I think in myself, knowing it is one of the first.

I can't sleep on the garage compound. But there's a parking square next with view on the forest in the back. I park. A man leaves an office building "Breman" to ask me "what are you doing here".
"Well, you do not say your name, but mine is Bert hamminga and I ..." explain. Since he did not take a coat, I make sure my answer is elaborate enough to let him long for his centrally heated office room.
To my delight the man starts shivering but bravely claims this part of the square "private". The public part starts "there", he points. I comply, considering a visit to the municipal Offices of Land Registry to verify a lie, after all, I'm starting again, but, if only for the lack of witnesses, instead opt for editing EthicaWeb.

The next morning, while preparing to lop off the starting security valve, the mechanic finds that the isolation of the wires unblocking the fuel supply valve are worn off and make a shortcut against metal near the box containing the valve. The isolation only. The wires themselves were still perfect. A matter of just wrapping new isolation around.

The next day.

Renault Garage Stam Bussum. I show the papers and ask what is the usual handling of cases like this. The lady at the counter goes for my own mechanic, Gerard. A bad start. Gerard claims these things happen and "He has followed Renault procedures". I ask whether I can take his as the official reaction of Stam Bussum. No that is Willem's job. He goes for Willem. It takes long. Willem chose not to appear. Gerard brings the message: "We can reduce the cost of your next service but we can not yet tell you the amount. That depends".
I tell Gerard I'll think about it.

"You are connected to Renault Nederland, for .... key 3...."
The operator is ready to make a file. Asks me many relevant data such as chassis number and kilometer count. I can only guess what he is writing down about the case itself. But after offering to send a picture of the relevant part of the engine and all garage docs he has an email number, and the number of my brand new file. I hung up and I emailed to Renault Nederland all garage documents with this picture.

Cable bundle engine: 8 code signal start lock, 9 interruptor starting valve, isolation worn off here, re-isolated Renault Maarsen.

Two months later I receive an email from Renault Netherlands:

Dear Mr. Hammnga,
First we wish to apologie for the delay of our reaction to your report you made to us some time ago.
In it, you  expressed your displeasure about the research costs Stam Bussum charged you with, relating to the breakdown in your Renault Kangoo. You asked Renault Netherlands to reimburse these costs to you. We inform you as follows.
We regret to hear that due to this breakdown you have been confronted with unexpected costs. More so since the breakdown could not be repaired in a single visit to a garage.
But, we see no reason to defray your expenses. This is because Renault Netherlands, as an importer, had no influence at all on these costs.
We also do not carry responsibility for the work done by an individual dealer. Our inquiry at the dealer involved, Stam Bussum, taught us that on your order they started searching for the cause of the breakdown. But, in the course of the search, the breakdown could not anymore be generated. To prevent a long search, with high costs for you, it has, as we understood been decided, in concert with you, to stop further search and to return the car, properly functioning at that moment, to you. That in a later stage further research would be needed, would also have been reported to you.
In view of the incomplete result of the research Stam, not obliged, charged you with only part of the research hours. Formally one is allowed, irrespective of the result, to charge all hours spend at you car in the workshop. With this, we were told that, in view of the short time the diagnosis was correctly made by another garage, you have been offered a discount on future maintenance. We see this as a correct gesture and will not give a suppletion.

kind regards,
Geachte heer hamminga,
Allereerst bieden wij u onze excuses aan voor het uitblijven van een reactie naar aanleiding van de melding die u enige tijd geleden bij ons deed.
U uitte hierin uw ongenoegen over de onderzoekskosten die Stam Bussum B.V. aan u doorberekende ten behoeve van de storing in uw Renault Kangoo.
U vroeg Renault Nederland deze kosten aan u te vergoeden. Wij informeren u als volgt.
Wij betreuren het te vernemen dat u met deze storing en onverwachte kosten bent geconfronteerd. Temeer de storing niet in één werkplaatsbezoek herleid en verholpen kon worden.
Echter, wij zien geen aanleiding om de gemaakte zoekuren aan u te vergoeden. Immers, Renault Nederland heeft als importeur, in het geheel geen invloed gehad op deze kosten gehad.
Wij dragen tevens geen verantwoordelijkheid voor de uitgevoerde werkzaamheden van een individuele dealer. Navraag bij de betrokken dealer, Stam Bussum B.V., leert ons dat zij in uw opdracht zijn gaan zoeken  naar de herkomst van de storing. Echter, in de loop van het diagnosetraject bleek de storing niet langer oproepbaar. Om een langdurig zoekproces te voorkomen, met hoge kosten voor u tot gevolg, heeft men naar wij begrijpen in overleg met u besloten geen verder onderzoek te doen en de auto, op dat moment goed functionerend, aan u te retourneren. Dat in een later stadium verder onderzoek noodzakelijk zou zijn, zou hierbij tevens gemeld zijn.
Gelet op het onvolledige resultaat van het onderzoek heeft men vanuit Stam, onverplicht, ook slechts een deel van de bestede uren aan u doorbelast. Formeel gezien mag men ongeacht het resultaat alle uren doorbelasten die men in de werkplaats aan uw auto werkt. Daarbij hebben wij vernomen dat uw dealer u uit relationele overweging en gezien het korte tijdsbestek dat de diagnose bij een andere vestiging wél gesteld kon worden ter compensatie een korting op toekomstig onderhoud aanboden. Wij zien dit als een correct gebaar en zullen hierop ook geen aanvulling verstrekken.

Met vriendelijke groet, kind regards,

My Answer:

Thank you for you message
1. I did not not claim money from Renault Netherlands, so there was no need to reject such a claim
2. Garage Stam Bussum did not repair, they knew it, so they were not in the position to charge me. You disagree, what would for me be a reason to cease driving Renault in the Netherlands if there would be only Renault garages like Stam Bussum
3. I really do not have to tell you this, you must understand it yourself, but in the following quote you have been lied to:
"That in a later stage further research would be needed, would also have been reported to you." If after three days, it is still not seen that two wires on top of the engine are worn bare against metal, would Stam Bussum tell the customer that "in a later stage" , the attempts should be continued?
Know your friends!
kind regards
Bert hamminga
Dank u t bericht. En voor de genomen moeite.
1. Ik heb geen schadeclaim bij Renault Nederland ingediend dus die had u niet af hoeven te wijzen
Garage Stam Bussum heeft de reparatie niet verricht, dat wist men, en men had dus niets mogen rekenen. U bent dit niet met mij eens, wat voor mij een reden zou zijn geweest om in Nederland geen Renault meer te rijden als er alleen Renault garages zouden zijn als Stam Bussum.
3. Ik hoef het u eigenlijk niet te vertellen, u begrijpt het zelf ook wel, maar het volgende is u voorgelogen: "Dat in een later stadium verder onderzoek noodzakelijk zou zijn, zou hierbij tevens gemeld zijn. "IMMERS: als na drie dagen nog steeds niet is gezien dat twee draden boven op de motor tegen metaal blootgesleten zijn, zou Stam Bussum dan tegen de klant zeggen "in een later stadium" de pogingen voort te zetten?
Ken uw vrienden!

Met vriendelijke groet,
Bert hamminga

Billy Swan singing: I Can Help


If you got a problem, don't care what it is
If you need a hand, I can assure you this
I can help, I got two strong arms
I can help
It would sure do me good, to do you good
Let me help

It's a fact that people get lonely, ain't nothing new
But a woman like you, baby should never have the blues
Let me help, I got two for me
It would sure do me good, to do you good
Let me help

When I go to sleep at night you're always a part of my dream
Holding me tight and telling me everything I wanna hear
Don't forget me baby, all you gotta do is call
You know how I feel about ya, if I can do anything at all
Let me help, if your child needs a daddy, I can help
It would sure do me good to do you good
Let me help

[Musical Interlude]

When I go to sleep at night you're always a part of my dream
Holding me tight and telling me everything I wanna hear
Don't forget me baby, all you gotta do is call
You know how I feel about you, if I can do anything at all
Let me help, if your child needs a daddy, I can help
It would sure do me good to do you good
Let me help

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