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Crtd 10-10-xx Lastedit 16-12-14

Harbour life
You are not alone
(this page is new and will be updated with every interesting citing)

We arrived here[map] on November 1, 2010[details] and it seems we'll stay indefinitely.

Channel (dug by hand) to lake . Closed with floating pole.

View from the balcony of the house

We are papyrus marshland inhabitants

Mashabala's encounter with the giant python was in high grass just left of my brown friend.  Binocular pictures (bipics), cheap alternative to reflex. Right: it works

We also have fish eagles. Their cry is answered by the cocks. Let them not think they are the only ones in charge here!

I am proud to seem interesting (bipic)

Crested Crane (bipic). In flight (drawing far right) they bend their necks for their body to profit by the slipstream of the crest

In Philemon's village, parents tell the toddlers its cry is "Ninowanyu?!" ("Who is your friend? [Listen]) so when the little ones hear the crane they come running out of all huts and shout Me! Me! I never was so close to cranes. They transpire to be among the earliest to wake up, well before sunrise starting to wonder loudly whether I am still their friend.

[Right]: adult monitor lizard, just a bit taller than myself, surprised and ....[left]...gone (Yes, I also swim there)

No, not a rabbit, a rat.

After this picture I attempted a close up. That provoked enough adrenaline to break loose from the glue with a fierce howl. Since then the glue is carefully avoided. Neither is anyone interested in my artistic mineral water tank trap with nice bread and one-way folded metal mosquito wire at the entrance. Their colossal swamp reserve army makes poisoning useless. At nights I wake up several times at sounds suggesting an armed robbery. Kitchen pan covers come down from the rack. They LOVE electricity wire isolation. JUST not smart enough to consider my conditional offer to make them a beautiful dry snake unfriendly shore side harbour villa with free catering, provided they never again... just not smart enough, just just. After my Europe visit drafted an eager and experienced platoon of cats. [cats update] The remaining glue will be on the warps and springs to block ants and cockroaches.

We did have some malachite kingfishers too...

... ?? (photo Roland)...

... parrot (photo Roland)...

... hornbill on Roland's balcony (photo Roland)...

Harbour citings not on picture: Aigret, Fish Eagle, Hawks, Ibis, Marabu, Parrot, Plantain Eater, Python, ants, sand flees, cockroaches, leeches, the odd mosquito but not many, NO lake flies!!!. (due to the attraction of the wet ground&papyrus?)
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