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Crtd 10-04-08 Lastedit 15-09-14

Hammerkopnest Blossoming in Full Action
My final bid to leave a decent impression frustrated by just about everybody

I was told my previous greeting page was far to much text and too intellectual. There is a wave of orders of unsubscribe to my new page alerts. I haste to correct myself.

Two days to go. Then Maarten and Willemien will have returned. This turd dropping mystery has not been solved, but anyway dog turds are amazingly popular among plants

Dog turds are amazingly popular among plants

The pool water tester reads yellow, a nice 7.0 pH  but, swimming pool seems a bit yellow too.

If I remember correctly, there seems to be some sort of change

Algi.  Yesterday in my bed I firmly planned a strong final bid to leave a decent impression: that pool BLUE!! But no chance: an all day power shedding. The farm supplies generator power but I got a filter pumping prohibition. I am LOST! Meanwhile the goat fired some staff because she says with all floors washed by rainstorms every night sweeping is no more necessary. I did suggest to wait until the owners would be back but was simply laughed at!

Goat fired floor sweepers...

I get stuffed with free fish and frog meat from the pool

I am still excellently fed with fresh fish and frog meat from the pool but there seems to have been some reshuffling of the posts

Who is who in the Hammerkopsnest ... Photo courtesy the goat

The final day. Tonight Willemien and Maarten will arrive at Entebbe Airport, nearby. Welcome activity now acquires its full pace. Victoria chases George in the ceiling beams with a mop and insecticide to kill all of our 4321 spiders. One by one they bang down, half paralysed and gradually fill Vic's buckets..

Just to show you the respectable size of my thumbnail

The dinner table gradually gets filled with lovely food, warm bread, puddings, cream, and what have you, all covered under snow white cloth. The lawn has never been so short. George does not allow the goat there today. Of me, all day, only my head is sometimes seen, sticking out of the pool for a small draught of air. The rest of the day I am under, catching fish and frogs. We are still on farm generator power, during which we have a pump filter prohibition, so I filter by taking sips of water, let it slowly escape through my teeth and then spit the dirt remaining behind them on the bordering pavement. At sunset, still under water, I hear George shout from the poolside: "Bert! I see the bottom!".

I cannot believe my ears and die on the spot of happiness.

~  THE END ~

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