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Worries concerning out climate, The Netherlands, fifty years ago

Godfried Bomans, In the series Cursiefjes, KRO radio (Nederland), November 5, 1971
(my trl., original Dutch version)

Anchor: Ladies and gentlemen, the worries concerning our climate do surely grow, but yet by far not enough. It is the purpose of this forum to CHANGE this. Well, not long ago I heard a sociologist say on TV, that mankind has only thirty-five years to live. Professor Dijkstra, what do you say of this?
P. D.: What an optimist! Thirty-five years! Good gracious! If it will be ten, that would be much!
Anchor: That is what I want to hear! And you, dr. Kneepjens?
D. K.: Ten? I help hoping it. But I believe five is not too short an estimate.
Anchor: Wow! And you, professor Goudszwaard?
P. G.: Five years? We are not here to help people in a dream. My rough estimate is five months.
Anchor: Now you'r talking! And you, professor van Vliet? Be short please, we reach the end.
PvV.: Five weeks.
Anchor: Isn't that a just a bit fast?
D. M.: Yes and to reach that we should be lucky, to be honest, I reckon with five days.
Anchor (at low voice): Doctoranda Meier, let me point out that this programme is broadcasted only in two weeks. Couldn't you make it a month? Otherwize our recording will have no use.
D. M.: OK then, a month, but only to enable the broadcast!
Anchor: Director! Please cut doctoranda Meier's last answer? I will repeat the question. Well, doctoranda Meier, how long do you give us?
D. M.: A month at most.
Anchor: Well we almost had everybody, but do I see there the waving hand of dr. Adriaans?
D. A.: I strongly object reckoning with the date of broadcasting. Those five days of Meier are correct indeed..
Anchor: Come on, dr. Adriaans, please co-operate a little!.
D.A.: No.
Anchor: Let me point out then that when this programme is not broadcasted in two weeks, it will not be funded. So no fees..
D. A.: OK, let me limit myself to three weeks.
Anchor: Thank you very much. Well, we are left, last but not least, with professor Kokkelkoren. Please be short, professor Kokkelkoren, time runs out.
P. K.: I am sorry to spoil everything. It is not only a matter of hours, but of minutes.
Anchor: Oh please, professor. Think of the broadcast.
P. K.: I do not think of the broadcast at all, but of the recording, how much time is left?
V: Four minutes.
P. K.: We will not make it....
Anchor: Come on, professor!
P. K.: No really, we won't make it. It can happen any second.
Anchor: Now....isn't that somewhat exaggerated?
P. K.: Mark my words. Can I summarize my arguments?
Anchor: Well yes, but short, time is almost over.
P. K.: To begin with I want to stress...