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Crtd 10-03-09 Lastedit 19-02-09

Maiden Voyage: Entebbe-Nairobi [ Go to: List of Nairobi Pages]
How Can They Give You 21 Police Checks For $65 Only?

On departure I heard Jimmy, the compound's young true bred African bastard hound, for the first time doing the wolf whine his kind is renowned for. 

While driving a considerable part of my trip in the company of heavy trucks with long trailers, at 20 km an hour speed through deep holes, if not, lethal road humps, if not, $65 dollar border crossings lasting two hours, (understandably, there was not enough zest for a queue), if not 21 police checks (how can they do it for $65?), I found my petrol stove launched out of its closed plastic case, miraculously hanging outside at one tiny rope between tent and car.

Kenya: a cold 2700 m Europe-style forest. But dwellers differ: no recreators following pathmarks, but colourfully dressed inhabitants returning to their thatched roofed huts from market or school.

Dear city desert children! Wouldn't you be ready to waive your chocolate and bloody shit game console for ever just to have mam giving you a decently ground machete, this to be your road from school, and meet the big bad wolf?

Arrival at former Austrian embassy residence Nairobi, Anne now fully booked as high end B&B, but who cares! I brought my own room/kitchen.

Contrary to the suggestion of these pictures the house is contuously full of people: guests in all rooms, staff cooking, cleaning washing, two sizeable dogs and at night the tweeks of the hyrax, a small grass eater thought to be a close relative of the elephant.

Hyrax (30-70cm)

The chief road artery Mombassa, Nairobi Kampala Congo. Between Kisumu and the Uganda border a long stretch allows for 20 km/hrs speed. But Kenya has money for an astonishing amount of traffic police and your driving licence gets dirty of all checks.

Just West of the border you can make friends with baboons


A loyal and somewhat worried reader posted me a different type of encounter with baboons:

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