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Crtd 08-10-23 Lastedit 15-10-27

Climbs on Board!

Half of October, I received a remarkable guest. He likes to radiate an image of having the odds against him, and even seems at times to believe it personally, but this man has a character that yields, in all modesty, sympathy and compassion, to nothing and no one. Apart from my father, hors concours, he is the first muzungu to jump straight from the dhow in the lake without any hesitation. Getting out was not just as easy, but (see left), with his amazing stamina and will-power he soon had the world at his feet again.




Left: Cas climbs on board of Saa Moja


Cas had the honour of having the president of our 0.1 ton Club Jouko Tahvanainen as his witness in his resoundingly successful application for membership of the Jinja Two Friends Zero Point One Ton Club (see photo below).

Photo above: Cas had the honour of having the president of our 0.1 ton Club Jouko Tahvanainen as his witness in his resoundingly successful application for membership of the Jinja Two Friends Zero Point One Ton Club.

Left Cas: retired programmer, reading Voltaire's Candide (as ebook), operates and Asus Eee PC, Intel Atom processor 1.6 Mhz, SSD (Solid State Disk) 12 Gb,  screen: 9 inch. At startup Asus Eee connects to the internet servers of the Google APPS which hold his files, and his standard office software as well. All shit remote! Captain: on-board printout of ASCII download Thiers French Revolution Volume IV

Cas excelled in blending in the social landscape of the dhow. He immediately took a chair, put his feet up, started looking at the waves, birds and trees, and henceforth largely refused to go anywhere. But not only that! He would listen with great attention to any of the stories continuously execrated by the captain's restless mouth. Moreover, he would modestly add some inspiring comments just small enough not to hinder the captain's verbal outflow. But not only that! As everybody knows, the captain every now and then goes too deep in one of his many interesting but intricate side paths and fails to find the way back to his main theme. In such a case, Cas is the man to have around. "You were explaining your Microsoft Excel sheet monitor.xls, and you were on sheet 1, expirations." or: "You were dealing with what is your state of consciousness in the few seconds after the guillotine has cut off your head, that is, while your head can be supposed still to have enough fresh blood to think and move muscles attached to crane bones only, such as lips, eye lids and eye ball muscles". And there you are, ready to proceed!
There were however moments when Cas seemed less sensitive to whichever words I just spoke or planned to utter. But when I took a skeptical look at him, he transpired to be lost in my 803-page Dutch book "I 've got a bike in Jinja", and my, let me be honest, slight disturbance immediately gave way to reverent silence.

Cas will probably not leave his chair on the steering deck during his holidays, but thinking of the longer future, he requested a webcam to be placed, allowing him to follow the movements of our environment at home in the Netherlands on his computer screen.  Of course we immediately went to town to buy one.

Captain late nite, webcam server
DOES display his image locally
but webcam page on his website still WHITE


Cas, dreaming of his webcam view


Some suggest Cas is trying to threaten this green visitor back in the lake with my book, but others know better

Cas paddles

Cas at Budhagali falls

Cas on the old Jinja market

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