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Crtd 07-02-09 Lastedit 15-09-14

Some Photos for Police "Security Services"
After Another Raid On The Dhow

My dhow is built for pleasure only: I like to be on the boat and enjoy the nature, go with friends for trips on the lake. The dhow has no engine and no commercial purposes.

Photo: On visiting a place in Europe or the US, the tourists spend up to the equivalent of 3 million Uganda shillings per day at the shore, thus boosting the local economy. Big business would arise. Jinja bay could look like this! *) 

Just like the sailing boats on the pictures, my dhow is equipped with kitchen, beds and bathroom. One can stay on the lake comfortably for many days.
In richer countries, you will find many boats like mine moored in every bay.
In Uganda, I have thus far seen four of such boats only (mine, two in the Entebbe sailing club, and one in Munyono harbour).
I plead for encouraging wazungu to bring these boats to Uganda and spend their holidays on the lake. They form the richer part of the tourists and are good for Uganda's economy indeed.


*) Of course, It would be a horror if on Lake Vic you could shoot this kind of pictures. But to them it is attractive to see so much booty is lying ready for them in the bay, so I try to exploit it.
The letters are made big because their reading capacities are limited.