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Crtd 05-12-01 Lastedit 15-09-14

Donkeys and Monkeys

I do sincerely wish to apologize to the donkeys and monkeys for sometimes following the primitive habit of humans to associate them with the three most prominent characteristics of their own kind: Stupidity, Selfishness and Greed.
As far as monkeys are concerned, I have only two of them in my circle of intimate friends, but their example suggests that mankind is no match to them whatsoever.
I am personally acquainted with many donkeys, and I am perfectly aware that donkeys on average, I do not wish to talk about the individual exceptions, are surprisingly far more intelligent than, for instance, horses and as company far preferable to quite a number of people, among which especially those who think donkeys are stupid.
I hope I have made myself perfectly clear, my friends, and my dear monkeys and donkeys, you I do not need to tell that...

One ought to be selfish and greedy, but stupidity is a sorry thing.

Photos 1 and 2: With Chipi

Photo 3 : Dutroux, a protagonist in my Dutch book
Ik heb een Fiets in Jinja

With Nadine and our first boy Derrida











To those who, after reading Homer, Shakespeare and Voltaire still doubt whether humans are stupid: human males cannot even smell when their females can be fertilized, so they have to waste time fucking them continuously. Moreover they even do not understand the reason for fucking: they use all kinds of chemicals and devices which prevent it from succeeding. There are a great many humans who, after reading this, still doubt the stupidity of humans. Those are too stupid to be taught about even this, the very worst of all possible stupidities.

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