Greetings Home

Crtd 05-12-06 Lastedit 20-12-18


When there is enough for everybody eaticatte prevails. The ears are the main media for exchanging politeness:
1 : Greeneye comes in: flaps down.
2 : niece pulls right ear back for Greeneye.
3 : aunt pulls left ear back for Greeneye.
4 : niece coming in flaps back after a short glance on the theatre. Greeneye's right ear, free for a moment, takes the opportunity to catch some sounds.
Her left ear stays politely down, comme il faut .

In standoffs, usually about food when there is little, the winner faces the looser, sports the ears up and directed straight to the front (like Greeneye here). The looser retires walking slowly backward, flaps back and down, face slightly off, but not too much as such will provoke attack. Dogs do the same with the ears, but winner shows teeth in addition.
Greeneye's mother - shown below- is now pregnant, hungry and grumpy.

Photo: Greeneye's mammie

Nevertheless, she wants Greeneye and her niece (adolescents) to eat before her. The rest should stay clear if there is little.
Cats here seem to know at least twenty to thirty people personally: that very little guy who is nice but sometimes throws stones, the big white one giving us rice with milk etc. From what I see when they deal with my housemates, who also give them leftovers, it looks like they develop a specific behavior to each individual human, and seem to develop that art further than quite some humans. They keep a thirty meter distance to unknowns, even if these are in the presence of knowns. They sometimes do not recognize me when they find me at a place where they never met me. In that case, they run to create their thirty meter safety zone. This might be more likely when I am downwind, so my smell does not reach them.  

Photo: Greeneye's daddy

Greeneyes daddy is very shy for people. He usually is far from the women and children, but roams the same territory and chases rival males out. I had to catch him by staying behind the window, only sticking my hand with camera out of the door.

Meer over Greeneye

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