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Favourites in italic
Morning: Pied Ibis
Morning: Rain

Morning: Pied Wagtail
Afternoon: Fish Eagles
Afternoon: Tornado
Afternoon: Kingfisher

Lunch time: Chicken
Dusk: Frogs

Sunset: Hippos
Night: Toads

Night: Hyena
More hippos[about this]
More fish eagles
Dhow life
Breaking the Sail Ties
Dhow Sailing
Reaching Sese
Frysian Yell[sourse page]
Cooking in rainstorm[source page]
School Children Singing
Children bathing time
Bugembe Cathedral

Swinger[source page (Dutch)]
Goodbye[source page (Dutch)]

More Birds
Craw chases vulture

Go-away-bird [source page (Dutch)]
Squeak-screech bird [source page (Dutch)]
Crescendo bird [source page (Dutch)]
Other Animals
Supa Misty

Baboons[about this]
Scoop in offence [source page (Dutch)]
Rubaga[source page (Dutch)]
Power-cut-dance[source page (Dutch)]
Orchestra[source page (Dutch)]
On the lawn 1[source page (Dutch)]
On the lawn 2[source page (Dutch)]
Opera[source page (Dutch)]
Little Heaven Sings [source page (Dutch)]
Little Heaven swings [source page (Dutch)]
Flute[source page]
Euchareggae [source page (Dutch)]
Dodecaphonic Haendel [source page (Dutch)]
Bert plays... [about Bert]
A Jazz Standard
Cathedral organ
Chapel Sax

Duet with a Turkey
Pompompom [source page (Dutch)]
St. Thomas [source page (Dutch)]

Sights and Sounds, Go to: Favourites