
Property and Power_intro

To change the image of the native negro among the general public requires some change, I am afraid , from the offended side, for there, on average, one totally lives up to it: totally relaxed all day, until by quick action some other people's commodity, be it of unknown use as long as it shines, is appropriable, taking it in a recklessly risky way, while the sudden rise of his greed stamps out the awareness of the near danger of a lynching of the type he himself, in relieving fury, engaged in many times.

Negroes: "rafiki!", "my friend!" asking for help, but never giving it, friendship an unknown quantity.

Ojanbo Obbo stories Uganda's best kept secrets toevoegen

Macht: Wie een verantwoordelijkheid krijgt toebedeeld gaat zich meteen als een ongelikte beer gedragen. Dit als teken van waardigheid. Ook vele mannen die trouwen smaken gaarne dat genoegen door hun vrouw met genoegen als vee te behandelen.

The negroes basic instinct seems is to kick, shoot or otherwise kill everything,

  1. whether for
  2. people, trees and animals alike, with the exception of