
Created 05-02-03
Last edited 14-08-20

Power and Politics


Power and Obedience versus Self-respect and Shame,

There is no shame. What is shame? Shame is a sophisticated internalisation of the emotion you feel when you are subdued. Animals and people are being subdued by stronger individuals in the group. If a subdued animal of a sort akin to man, like dogs, apes, etc violates limits imposed by stronger individuals, and is caught, it not running away but going down. Subduing and being subdued is common among Africans. But shame results from violating a limit set by a moral rule you have accepted by yourself. You have internalized it. When you get seen ("caught"), you feel shame. Even the ones who see you violating the rule might feel shame. People who know shame tend to avoid shameful actions out of self-respect. Africans do not know shame. They only know power and subduction. They feel the pride of power and the fear that makes them subdue. They do not feel the pride of self respect, nor do they feel shame. Hence, the top-leader in African politics holds the total universe of rules and limits and they die with him. Power in Africa is purely personal. A new ruler establishes himself and brings entirely new rules with him. Political institutions are of no help when it comes to contesting or changing leadership.African leadership is a matter of totally unbound fight, of life and death.

Power generally

World consists of forces exerting power

Even words are power packets.

Discussion of your electricity bill at the power supply office:
"Why do I have to pay this?"
" Because otherwize we will cut you off."


Racial distinctions have top significance

we have corruption rankings. Why do we not have racism rankings?

  1. Africa

  2. Former USSR

  3. Middle East (incl Israel)

  4. East Asia

  5. Latin America

  6. USA-EU

Politics power   Proto-Page
Power elite esp. military circles lack understanding of difference between wealth by production and wealth by extortion. The idea "the wealth is there, who gets his hands on it": Amin example: chase the Indians and rob their assets. Mugabe and land distribution

Universele human rights versus universus rules for the jungle called "human society".

Do not be known to government officials, police, customs officers and other robbers and thieves, whether organized in large or small scale, public or private.
Do not possess unhideable wealth, life stock, and other items that make you heavy and inflexible and hence vulnerable to blackmail and extortion. Keep a low profile.
React hard and merciless when the thugs try to enter your life. Often it is dangerous if they live to report the story. Then kill them. Sometimes them telling the story had a preventive effect. Then let some escape.

Extortion with immediate dramatic effect: you grab, foreign aid gone, wazungu and wahindi gone, GDP 90% down, no problem, you have the money.

Elementary primate instinct: like the Chimpansee: killing all babies and fertilizing all women quickly, life at the top is short: this is the moment (not: period) to take your bread and spread your genes.

The driving: killing dogs and jeopardizing people for the power kick.


Pres picctures
The Big Three success stories of western culture: Education, Clothes, Pictures
The Big Four failures : Truth, Guilt, Christianity and Planning).

The way forward for East African countries: the most stupid thing negroes are doing is trying to run their own countries. They are unable. They should:

bullet Abandon all laws, since it never comes up in negroes to use them for justice. They only things they use them for are blackmail, sabotage and extortion bullet Give all power to the Indians. Negroes should listen to what the Indians are saying and just do it, to their own benefit.