
General Introduction

On being "white"

What is white? Exactly which skin colour makes you white? It is not hard to find the "white" skin color in the internet. Here is a sample

Once found, you can select pixel colors with the eyedropper of your photo editor. The result invariably is unsatisfactory:

Picture: What is "white"?? Photo editing software eyedropper results if applied to "white" skin

It is even difficult to say what color this "white" really is. One thing is clear: it is not white. Not at all!

Though it is a bad lie when white people say they are white, the rest of what they say is much worse:

They odd thing is that every now and then, you can find some Africans who even believe it. Especially pervasive in Africa is the belief that life in white countries better than life in Africa. Sometimes it seems every African would want to live in Europe or the United States. Those who go, return with tremendous stories about their wealthy life and happiness. They ensure there home people that in the West, everything is exactly how you see it on TV.
The real thing is that they are now lying just like the whites. Real life in western countries surely and evidently is much and much worse than in Africa. NEVER GO THERE!:

All this is because the western power elite exploits stress in society. Hence people are educated to stress right from birth. Anything that could make people sit down, relax and enjoy is considered as evil. In short: go to a western country only if you seriously wish to live like a dog, .


missionaries, See Foreign religions in Africa

projects (Dam),

cheese and roses see local whites

The Big Three success stories of western culture: Education, Clothes, Pictures
The Big Four failures : Truth, Guilt, Christianity and Planning.


Please, you whites, understand that Africa is exactly as it should be. Just leave your projects to change things. Those only cause you problems. Do not stuff some elites to keep others from power. Let things go by themselves. Extend your ideas on eco balance which really have improved the past century, over humans. That is the only true human right. And what is more: in the long run, none of your techniques and morals will enable to violate it. You will only suffer set backs of your own, since sooner or later you will learn the hard way that you are part of merciless nature and have always been.

Types of whites: