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Dhow Building Logbook                                              

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Chronological Title List (Most Recent Top) Created Contents
Last Page Redoing the Rigg 100905 Size matters!
Mukusu, rare birds and cobra 100823 More patching
The Last Maintenance Session: The Boats 100817 Google Earth paste: 0.074795� 32.535267�

How To Make A Bad Canoe

090118 For The Same Money!

Finishing The Job And Launching The Dhow

081231 Malaria, Misty Looks But No Leaks

Sanding Christmas

081225 Progress Is Unstoppable, And So Is Degeneration

The Real Caulking

081204 Running In Front Of A Machine Gun

Caulking Part II

081128 Climbing the Beach of Banda Island...With a Dhow!

Caulking Part I

081126 How To Hire A Caulker And Get Him Where You Want
Repairs 061227 In love with a tree
Fighting Shit 061020 Deck tarpaulin, "bathroom", Steering deck roof, solar panel capacity, electric bailing,
Tanzanian Reflections 060613

Killing the BPP

They Do Not Even Know How to Steal 060530 How They Do In Their Specialty
Our Dhow Now 060522 Technical Data In Final State
Closing The Deck 060519

Just A Drip. Dessert Of  The GOOD LORD: One Of His More Potent VAC's

Jonathan 060510

Just A Drip. An African Carpenter

Malaria and A-fib 060429

Rather Wet Neck Again. The GOOD LORD Haunts The Commander With Diseases. The Advent Of Philemon

 Banned 060303 Chief Immigration Officer, District Commissioner and probably Regional Commissioner all unaware....
Problem Shooting 060417 Dry Feet Not Too Wet Neck. BPP Introduced, Mooring Off Shore
Finishing the dhow 060412 Dry Feet Wet Neck. "GT" Ben unleashed. Buying A Canoe, Big NEMA's and Other Defecational Incidents
"Kazi imemaliza" 060401 Wet Feet, Wet Neck. "The job is finished": TZ crew out.
To Jinja 060326 Final Laps Of The 300 Km Lake Trip Of Unfinished Dhow
Kidnapped 060323 Tanzania Police "Mr. Malima & His Camp": kidnapped by TZ police, ransom demanded
Off To Joseph 060319 Boarding My Dhow At The Tanzania Border Lake Shore: My "Backpackers' camp
Remote Head Quarters Jinja 060309 Back in Jinja. Fax, Email, SMS and phone to Retrieving the dhow.
 Putting The Mast 060228 Released by police but "keep your cell phone switched on", agreeable company of a German couple
Jailed 060221 Arrested At Gunpoint and Jailed by Mwanza Police On Request Of Mwanza Immigration
 Finishing The Deck 060220 Fitting The Deck Planks
 Making Mast and Gaff 060212 And renewed immigration harassment, and making the palm mat sunroof
 Making The Sail 060211 A Hand Made Sail, Christian Ground Use Fee Avoided
 Reaching The Shore 060207 The Gate Of Heaven
Launching 060205 The Dhow Carried To Water On Two Hand Charts: A Work Of God
Last Preparations For Launching 060204 A Crane Or Not A Crane, That Is The Question
Triangle Operetta: Curtain 060128 Shire Polyhedron Mounted
Laying The Keel 060125 A bit late for laying a keel....Two teams at work, money down
Rain Yes, Brains No, Planer May Be 060120 In which even just drilling is a problem, the author needs explanation of the African meaning of rain, and brings the town's best shipyard's planer back in operation.
Saa Moja 060113 The author as acting shipyard boss. This suspiciously looks like working
Pseumonia, Police and Productive Paranoia 051231 Good Luck: hitting on a threat that makes them work. Amazing ertia!
Despair and Depression 051228 They built me a matchbox
 Back in Shipyard supplies 051212 Dhow inspection 2: The thing moves like a snake!
 Arrested 051130 Arrest By Immigration Officers Ends in Laudatio
 Wrong Screws, No Wood 051126 Angel founders and falls: The reverend's carpentry work halted: wrong screws, no wood, no money, fear of imprisonment at the ship yard
 Gabriel Descends From Heaven 051120 A reverend arrives on the scene of the dhow yard
 The Mother Of Doldrums 051117 Dhow Yard boss Daniel enters the orange zone without further delay
 Drying a Yard: Grand Finale 051101 Lawyers into play, a new contract with details, time table and witness, and money paid (the end of drying)
 A Memorable Lake Trip 051016 How my box on the ear of a little thug put my guests off and left the hired dhow and its crew for me alone
 The Miraculous Return Of My Money 051004 An End To Wetting The Wrong Ship Yard
 Nataka pesa ("I need money") 051003 How to put African economic theory in practice?
Dhow Pictures 050922 Mwanza dhows in different sizes and styles.
Wetting A Yard (The Wrong One) 050907 My dhow money involuntarily invested in the wrong ship yard...
  Money Unavailable 050901 Kees will give me my money "end of next week" Kamkala Soap Home
Drying A Yard 050831 To stop a yard doing nothing, it should be broke first
Classical African Business Doldrums 050831 The Desert Of Indolence, Lies And False Promises
Dhow Diving Down The Line Of Perfect Inertia 050809 Working like nuts and amazing progress on dhows and Kiswahili
Dhow Yard Revisited 050804 Pictures of my dhow in statu nascendi
Cutting and Planning 050524 Finally: wood! Reassuring enthusiasm among my people
All about mninga wood  050513 A beautiful tropical wood, given up by the wood boring lake insects
Day Zero: No Train, No wood and Malaria 050511 Deadline for wood delivery violated, client with malaria on drip in hospital
Screws, maps but still no wood 050509 Mysterious wood and screw price quotations and hard too believe stories
No Wood 050502 An adventurous inquiry into mysteriously long delays in wood delivery
Exploration and a False Start   050101 Finding the right town to build a dhow - but the wrong shipyard
First Page The Problem and the Idea    050101 How I got the idea of living on a dhow on Lake Victoria