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Crtd 12-06-28 Lastedit 14-08-20

Closing a Leak, Part 3
by Uganda Immigration and the Netherlands tax authority's paper mailing computer

... the water was runnning in under the stern stiffener block ... hell!!! the bolt in that yellow circle was mounted under, not through the rudder attachment beam outside ...

... Dismounting rudder attachment beam which blocked a stiffener bolt... all bolts tagged...

now I am inside under the stiffener block ... my screw driver finds the way out with no effort ...

... photo 5 years ago: at arrow where now is the leak ... the light part of the beam, right side, is sapwood, weak, easily rotting ... but I was not vigilant ... I had other problems ... no wood at all for building...

Philosophical distraction is off, the Ethica Help Web stands. I now should just keep reading around, error shooting and improving, but that can be done whenever there is time. Meanwhile Uganda Immigration, after considering my application for a new permit for 18 months!! (you are supposed to go every three months for a $250 special pass in waiting for their decision, not-refundable money), declined it. So I was an illegal (not exactly good for your sleep). But, setting aside my agent, who might have played a role in this, immigraton suggested another type of application might stand a better chance, seems to feel a little guilty and to help me. So that may be under control again, but you never know who gets air of it and blocs the road again for a bribe. Of course all nothing compared to the Netherlands tax authority: over 2009 they suddenly demand 8000 euro (while they can find in their files that over five years before and the year after my income was zero and it was even doubtful whether I was required to fill a tax report at all). I am consulting Dutch tax experts. Three: the frequency of my atrial fibrillation is indeed dramatically up: only a week regular between two incidents is getting normal. But my decision to stop giving it attention works well: I just keep working at the boat and it actually helps: when I keep doing things my heart, even when firbillating, somehow pumps better and apart from a bit more panting and sweating I notice little of it. Finish your money and die gloriously! (The first part is the easiest ...

... The rot steel-brushed out with power drill ...

... stern starboard: rot holes squared ...

... stern port: rot holes squared ... edge, rotten top to bottom, cleaned  ...

... Mount Elgon teak: fills 1 inch, covers ½ inch ... to be mounted with SIKAFLEX marine rubber kit flown in by George Kniest, Muiderzand, The Netherlands ...

... filling patches Elgon teak upper left THE LEAK (in the strict sense) ... holes due to rot under inner patches will be fillied with porridge of super fine wood sanding dust, inner patches will be screwed on cover patches and the two will be screwed on with fat layer of marine rubber kit under them ...

All of you who sometimes have been jealous on my nice life now reassured yours is not so bad after all?

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