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Crtd 12-06-14 Lastedit 14-08-20

Closing a Leak, Part 2
by Nature and Philosophy

...hammerkop, famous for its posh housing taste ... the hammerkops' mating is a baroque procedure starting with the male is standing in top of the female while everybody, a gang of bystander hammerkops included, make a hell of a noise. I always wondered what this mating introduction was about, finally a saw a female after the event, and understood they are almost human ...

... after lifting 9 mm per hour with my 32 ton jack ... in the circle my spot of first suspicion ...
no leak to see ...

... work at EthicaWeb drew to a provisional close Friday, June 15, 16:00 hrs, delaying the closing of the leak ... new frontpage design [go EthicaWeb]...

... our parrots engaged in some acrobatics while taken by Roland  ...

... our hornbill couple (the lady in front) did not want to stay behind and even reported for a photo session at Roland's veranda ...

... tad-poles like the pool I made pulling the dhow up ... 

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