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Crtd 07-10-15 Lastedit 15-09-14

Flying over Serengeti
Maasai, hippos and volcanos

Ton's friend Thierry, a French speaking Belgian pilot working for Coastal, dropping tourists on all Serengeti lodge airstrips in a daily service with a 12 passenger plane, invited me to join. I was supposed to dress up as a pilot, put myself behind the starboard steering and put on the headphone.

Photo: Of course I did not resist making the unavoidable photo

Photo: Maasai kraal in Serengeti (where do they get their water??)

Photo: Curved approach to landing site at Mara river (hippos, crocs)

Photo: My colleague Thierry ("Terry") and volcano Kitumbeine.

Map: Coastal's route and landing strips in Serengeti. The Maasai picture is taken before our Northernmost landing, during that landing the Mara river photo, the volcano was Kitumbeine, going from Arusha, for which we slightly deviated from the route to have it left side.

Photo: Thierry's French and Swahili (and English) speaking coffee children, of course inspired by his passion for motorized movement. The mini dirt bike is real and six year old Matthew partakes in competitions.

During the trip I started to feel a head- and stomach ache, but attributed this to may be a hang over, having forgotten to take my pills in the morning, and frequent take off and landing.
In the night I felt so bad that I decided to stay on land and sleep in Ton's guest room.

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