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Crtd 07-10-09 Lastedit 18-01-21

To Mwanza
With Two More Chicken

Photo: Two chicken, no cock, but up 04:30 anyway

071009 04:30 Captain hears sound of anchor lines from his bed. Philemon wants to show his village he can off before water collecting time? He says that at later departure so many people would stand screaming on the beach that he would not know whom to answer. Now, only his sisters are there. 06:00 Off to Mwanza with NE 1-2.

Photo: Sunrise goodbye to Majita

Photo: Off with the day fishers

The chicken get slaughtered 10:30 (captain, just swimming in wind lull, hears chicken alarm and sees blood passing).

Photo: Chapatti trial #3: real chapatti

Captain annoyed by unavailability of bread had tried already twice to make chapatti. Trial #1 yielded Dutch traditional pancake. #2 yielded a distasteful flower porridge, #3, 071009 09:21 however, by making a pizza-type dough only without yeast, resulted in real chapatti. 11:00 Normal wind shift to N then NNW 3 becoming 4, passing The Box and my Mutiro parasailing hill at 14:00, reach Ukerewe Channel 16:30, endowed with our previous experience we decided to, as we call it: cheat (use the canoe with outboard).

Picture: towing method, really a mix of pulling and sailing without sail

Since we have to drop the rudder the 40 cm deep, high dhow will prey to the wind. We use two towing lines (picture above) to the fourth beam of the canoe (photo below), the blue line prevents the stern of the dhow from blowing downwind. First with did a controlled wind (and current) drift, then we pulled till North of channel opening, them we went through on one short towing line (still no rudder).

Photo: Towing the dhow through the channel with canoe and outboard

We were out of the channel 17:45, in 75 min, as opposed to the 4.5 hours of our first passage, Northward. Drifted without sail to the South side of the South bay and moored at sunset.

071010 06:30 Morning E barely shows up, gybe for afternoon NW already at 12:20. NW 4 freshening to 6. We announce our arrival at 18:00 to Ton Bronkhorst. But big waves make last 14 km not sailable, 15:30 we hide in Ndurwa Bay. Lee side bay, no shed for waves,

Photo: WNW 6, overloaded dhow with torn sail seeks refuge, like us, in Ndurwa Bay

071011 07:00 Two chicken later, morning East 2-3 to Ton Bronkhorst's beach

Photo: Approaching Mwanza. Aigrettes, fish eagle top rock

Arriving 10:00. On an African shipyard 100 m from Ton's beach we are already recognized, before even mooring! A bad start as for hiding for immigration. All thieves who stole from us will start fearing and some may try to have us chased again from Tanzania. Ton reported on phone to be off. We moored. I  hear Philemon and rest of crew shouting around ever more emotionally, assume some ordinary nigger shit, so stay down. Philemon finally calls me: an excited group of four, one of them Indian, on Ton's compound. I let myself be moved to the shore by canoe. Security. Not informed by Ton we are coming. Philemon had told them to call Ton, they had not and had only got angry. Made peace with security, promised to talk to Philemon. Told Philemon he should have called me earlier. Philemon not yet in the mood to consider his own line of action. Told crew to remember carefully these people there are now part of our Best Friends on Earth.

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