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Crtd 07-09-06 Lastedit 15-09-14

To Bukoba
Mid-lake Folmali Repair

070906 17:00 We use the evening SSE Bf 2-3 to leave Kalangala bay Northward to where our route East of the Island goes South. Anchor 19:00

070907 07:00  NNW 4 off South. After 20 km we reach the shore of Island Bubemba due to wind turn to West. Anchor 10:30. 16:30 we can continue on NW 0-2. We found back my copy of Goethes Faust, it turned out to have been stored for a rainstorm in non typical box. I had switched to Homer's Odyssey and was glad to put that one back because I really got stuck in the motives of Penelope's suitors. But neither is Faust an easy guy.

Photo: Faust found back, Odyssee interrupted

070908 07:00 NNW Bf 1-2 off South until wind turns to S 1-2 finally 0 at 11:30, 3 km before Mbivwi. Progress 8 km only. 15:30 We can continue on E 1-2. turning to NE 3-4 after sunset. The map (made in 1900-01, updated by the English until 1955, details) from Sese to Bukoba (90 km) is empty: no depth indications, no rocks, no islands. Tip of folmali (lateen gaff) breaks. We moor 21:00 60 km from Bukoba mid lake.

070909 07:00 NNW 4. Quite some waves. Mid lake folmali repair takes an hour. During preparations canoe gets loose and drifts 100 downwind before captain catches up swimming with peddle.

Photo: Waves. Mid lake folmali repair takes an hour

Under sail 08:00, we reach Bukoba (60 km!) at 16:30. (Day log continued in next greeting)

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