Crtd 06-04-17 Lastedit 15-10-27

The Bloody Plobrem Panel
[Local -Tanzania] [L:1234567abcdefghi - T:1234]
For The Explanation Of "Plobrem": See Kiswahili: l and r)

L: Local Plobrems

  1. Dhow safety. I now realize the consequences of the fact that the dhow can never be left alone. Even for some shopping with Ben in Kampala I will need a guard. I thought of some seemingly hotel staff people living in a kind of utility building near us down at the lake. They lie all day half sleeping on their veranda with a view on the boat and were told by the hotel manager to be reliable. But they have loud music, so I already had decided not to stay at the hotel very long.  Moreover, probably, their report to the owner had caused the defecational incident. Intuitively, I did not trust them anyway. Any leaving of the ship to a guard - guards often steal - would only be feasible after hatches would be ready and the hold could be closed properly, so the guard would have to watch only for unsolicited access, anchors, anchor lines and canoe (far, at the shore, waiting for us).
    Moreover, how to react to thunderstorm? Should we train the guy? I consider simply to take a boat boy. A sailor from Tanzania. Doi? I did sometimes consider having to share the dhow permanently with a boat boy. But now suddenly I realize I do not like the idea. I want to be on my own on that boat. But that can't be done.

  2. The mooring site. We are kicked off the Hotel Triangle Annex premises. Will Madhvani grant us the Sailing Club? His reaction on the phone does not make it seem obvious. John knows him and promised to call him in the weekend. Press on John, please do. Otherwise we put ourselves with on anchor before Triangle Annex Hotel and the other before Sailing Club. Luckily, the Triangle Annex owner keeps granting me parking for my car and motor cycle.

  3. The logistics of Ben. When we moor at the sailing club, our two inch boarding plank for Ben cannot be launched. He will have to board the canoe to go to land. Ben can not deal with the rope ladder. We will need to make a solid wooden ladder to hang outside for Ben to reach the canoe.
    We have not toilet yet. I can shit overboard at night. Ben?

  4. Ben lost his wallet somewhere in the boat, possibly in the water under the floor ceiling. Lying there for three days now, Ben has no forces, I have no time. We are broke, the Christians surprised us again with their holiday harassing on good Friday: bank closed. We decide simply to stay broke. We do not look for Ben's wallet.

  5. We lost the charger of my new AV gadget. Battery over. No more video and photo.

  6. Money lost in cyberspace: One of my ING e-bank speed wires ("max. duration 2 days") to a Mwanza friend had finally arrived after a month, but speed wire of 10 000 euro to myself here is missing. "Your report has been forwarded to the office in charge. You will receive a reaction within 15 days"

  7. A host of technical details that I expected to be my sole concern at the moment:

    a. Leaking deck. The sikaflex caulked deck leaking everywhere. Will pouring two component acrylic paint help? This is not in any handbook of caulking. 
    b. hatches
    c. toilet
    , shower
    d. managing deck and hold heat due to sun radiation,
    e. electric wiring
    (fortunately Ben recovers a little),
    f. bottom water draining system,
    g. mattresses
    h. shelves, storage system
    i. wireless internet

T: Tanzania Plobrems

  1. Mwanza immigration. How to have the culprits punished, receive damages and acquire a permanent visa for Tanzania as the owner and captain of the Tanzanian S.V. Saa Moja?

  2. The Daniel problem: he stole for thousands of euros out of my dhow in the two weeks between my departure and the dhow's departure from Mwanza (list). Many items have been seen in his house and at the dhow building site by Philemon and Doi. Daniel's brother Gabriel is convinced about the theft and has talked to him. In vain. Daniel probably does not even know the use of many objects he stole. He stole a coffee grinder without its trays and covers, a 1400 euro autopilot for which there is no market, etc.   
    Apart from stealing, he misused the immigration harassment situation to deny I had paid the finishing of the dhow until it was ready to sail, that is TSh 5 000 000/= in wages and kind. Since I refused to pay the last TSh 2 000 000/= of the contract to him and pay workers and material directly, his debt to me was the excess only: TSh 3 000 000/=. But with the contract in hand he claimed the TSh 2 000 000/=. My lawyer Malongo advized me to pay. I risked seizure: there were no papers in Mwanza proving my payments in kind and in wages. In sum: he stole for thousands or euros, and owes me another 3800 euro. Mwanza police is not exactly a partner for me to solve this:

    bullet these games tend to be all against the richest (I know this from my last divorce in The Netherlands: a poor girl, two hungry lawyers and me, the guy where all money was supposed to come from) bullet Daniel now also has the money to pay them well bullet My status is unclear after my harassment by Mwanza immigration, and immigration had left much of the harassment to ... police!

    Of course I should forget about it now, and finish the dhow. Collateral damage. For the Mwanza problems, the immigration is priority one: not even to have the culprits punished, but to make sure I get a permanent visa. As for the Mwanza problems, Daniel comes only next, together with Malima. Mwanza should be off my mind now. The problem is that I know the guy, so it is hard not to buy a pistol and drive illegally, with my face painted black, crossing borders illegally, to Mwanza etc etc.

  3. Mr. Malima: How to have the culprits punished, receive damages?

  4. Kamkala Sinnautics: How to retrieve the money stolen, how to proceed with the Land Tribunal Case, how to find out whether or not there is a connection between the KST theft incident and the harassment by the Mwanza immigration office?