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Mwanza,  October 15, 2005     


Fundi, mjenzi: Daniel Lwitakubi (Masala General Supplies, P.O.Box 11899 Mwatiza, Bwiru).

Ujenzi wa Jahazi hili unategemea kughalimu jumla ya fedha taslimu milioni kumi na tatu (TSh 13 000 000/=)

Co-signer of  the contract of Januari 11, 2005,

Between him and Dr. hamminga Lambertus




Dear Mr. Daniel,

Mr. Kees, Isamilo has informed me that yesterday you threatened him with a law suit concerning the abovementioned contract.


You can be proven legally to know that I was the responsible person who ordered Mr. Kees van Vianen to sign this contract on my behalf. This implies that, at the moment you called Mr. Kees, you surely knew


1.      Mr. Kees van Vianen is not a contract party

2.      all legal responsibility for the contract is  mine

3.      I have always clearly acknowledged this legal responsibility


This implies your threat to Mr. Kees van Vianen is an illegal act according to Tanzanian law. At this moment I have not yet decided whether I shall take you to court for this. I insist you realize that I retain indefinitely all rights to do so.


I wish you read the report below and act swiftly according to our contract of Januari 2005.

Yours Sincerely,


                                        Dr. hamminga, Lambertus




Bwana Daniel,

Bw. Kees van Vianen alisema kwamba jana ulimtishia kumpeleka mahakamani za mkataba juu.


Shuhuda ya kisheria inawezi kwamba ulijua kwa hakika Bw. Kees van Vianen amesaini mkataba huu kwa niaba ya mimi. Kwa hivyo, kama ulipiga simu Bw. Kees van Vianen ulijua kwa hakika kwamba


1.      Bw. Kees van Vianen siyo mnunuzi, sina dhamana ya kisheria

2.      Dhamana ya kisheria yote ni yangu

3.      Mimi kote huungama yule dhamana ya kisheria


 Kwa hivyo, kumutishiya Bw. Kees van Vianen ni amri ya kuhuka kama sheria Tanzania.

Sasa sikukata shauri kama nitafanya makamani. Itaamania. Nitasubiri na nitaona wahapo awali utamaliza jahazi kama mkataba.


Natamani unisomee ripoti ya chini na mkataba wetu.

