Bert hamminga Questions on Capitalism and Honesty    version date 991102

Control Questions:

  1. Some schools are small , some are big. What is the implication of this web text for differences in honesty in small and big schools? Do you agree? Why (not)?
  2. What are the differences between a data-capitalist and a relations-capitalist?
  3. What are the costs and dangers of dishonesty?
  4. What factors cause dishonesty? What factors suppress it?
  5. What are the costs for successfully making and implementing business agreements a) if both partners are relationship-capitalists, b) if both partners are data-capitalists?

Open Questions:

  1. What would make a culture so ardently desire to remove the knowing subject from knowledge, and to remove the contracting persons, apart from reference to them as legal contract parties, from the contract. What make "objectivity" so desirable? It the strategy successful? Where is it? Where is it not?
  2. Someone got stuck on the road, late night, remote, due to mechanical failure. The only car passing by happens to be a car repairman. He discovers that it is merely a matter of tightening one bolt. He can easlily guess that the unfortunate driver is ready to pay him one day of salary for the repair. What cultural and social circumstances influence his decision whether to charge the unfortunate driver and how much?