Bert hamminga Back to: Index: Teaching Docs: Lecture Notes Philosophy of Economy: Different Capitalist Cultures
Page title: Cultural diversity table version date 991004

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1. Personal performance < group conformity; 2. Personal initiative < cooperation; 3. Firm as workshop < Employee loyalty; 4. Influence < fatalism; 5. Free competition < cooperation; 6. Performance respect < age respect; 7. Performance < power; 8. Performance < employer loyalty; 9. Market < relatives services; 10. Individual < family view on employee; 11. < Employer loyalty under stress; 12. Money for extra work <; 13. Individual isolation of tasks <; 14. Individual isol. of responsibilities < ; 15. Individual < family view on workers cost; 16. Majority vote < consensus; 17. Freedom < responsibility; 18. < Managers need all practical expertise ; 19. < Managers primarily want power; 20. < Managers are important for society; 21.< Steep hierarchy has advantages; 22. < There is a crisis of authority in firms; 23. Two bosses is no problem <

AUS: Australia  BEL: Belgium  CAN: Canada  FRA: France  DEN: Denmark  GER: Germany  IT: Italy  JAP: Japan  KOR: Korea NL: The Netherlands SIN: Singapore  SWE: Sweden SWI: Switserland UK: United Kingdom US: �nited States of America